ibn miskawayh perspective on education

So he did not hesitate to rewrite these in his own language, Arabic. The book Tahdhib al-akhlaq is considered the most famous book of Miskawayh; so this is the work of which we shall examine the contents quite carefully, so as to base on it our presentation of Miskawayh’s remarks on the education of young boys, only. Many Muslims excelled in the branches of learning known at that time. [3] See for instance Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi, Al-Imta’ wa-l-mu’anasa (delight and sociability), Beirut, Maktabat al-Hayat, n.d.; T.J. De Boer, Ta’rikh al-falsafa fi ‘l-Islam (History of philosophy in Islam), trans. 1/2 1994, p. 131–52. Nevertheless, the basic credit here goes to the spirit predominant in the Islamic community, which could permit at least some of its thinkers to transmit, or be influenced by, cultures of other nations previous to itself, without impediment; and it confirms also the idea of the meeting of cultures and the cross-fertilization of world civilizations and their mutual influence, in an ongoing movement of human thought. 69-72. This trust is emphasized by the fact that in many places in his book he considers that his remarks about young boys are equally suitable for adults [27]. For if the reader knows moral happiness, and is influenced by the contents of the book, all his actions will be fine, according to his interpretation. [60] Hisham Nashaba, al-Turath al-tarbawi al-islami fi khams makhtutat (The Islamic educational heritage in five manuscripts), Beirut, Dar al-‘ilm li-l-malayin, 1988, 8. Some of the writings of Miskawayh, printed and in manuscripts This idea is taken mainly from Aristotle, following what Miskawayh says about happiness by closeness to the Perfectly Happy, and is not satisfaction of God and attaining the reward in His paradise which God the Most High promised to His servants who follow His commands and avoid what He prohibits. Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad Ibn Miskawayh; Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad Ibn Miskawayh; Aḥmad b Muḥammad Miskawayh; Aḥmad Ibn-Muḥammad Ibn-Miskawaih: Material Type: Biography: Document Type: Book: All Authors / Contributors: Badruddin Bhat. Education, according to Ibn- Khaldun, is seen as a social process in terms of its overall essence, content, function and objectives to the extent that this process cannot be separated from the society especially when it is the means to express individual’ needs on one … Our republishing of the article relies on the authorisation embedded by the publisher according to which the document may be reproduced free of charge as long as acknowledgement is made of the source. His effect on Islamic philosophy is mainly concerned with ethical issues. Praise is considered one of the most important of these means and methods suggested; that is, praising the boy for the good things he does which are acceptable to the adults; and also adults who do good deeds should be praised in his presence. References and further reading Biography Arab Scholar Medieval era Name Ibn Khaldun [Abū Zayd ‘Abdu r-Raḥman bin Muḥammad bin Khaldūn al-Ḥaḍramī] Birth 27 May, 1332/732 AH Death 19 March, 1406/808 AH School / Tradition Ash'ari [It was instrumental in drastically changing the direction of Islamic theology, separating its development radically from that of theology in the Christian world.] He should be warned of punishment, and made to fear blame for any evil deed he may demonstrate. Maybe this tendency of his can be considered an effective translation, or a practical application, of the views he embraced, such as ‘seeing comes before action’ [10] i.e. He defined ‘habit’ was a frequent repetition of an action over a long period and in equal conditions (ibid). Food has its manners which must be watched over, and here Miskawayh advises the boy not to hurry over it, and to chew it very well; not to let his glance dwell for long on the food and the people eating, and where they put their hands, and not to stain his hands or clothing. There are rules of etiquette connected with the boy’s external appearance also: Miskawayh explains that the boy must grow up in the way right and fitting for people of nobility and honour; so he should wear white clothing, and avoid coloured or patterned clothing, since that is more proper for women and slaves. Humanity in general, Miskawayh considers, is the noblest of all existing beings on the earth which we inhabit [38]. The most recent of these papers was published in Women and Literacy Development in the Third World, edited by Eve Malmquist (1992). Despite the importance of this exercise for the body, Miskawayh did not neglect also the psychological effect of play, and hence he puts forward some features that must be present. It is a duty to care for the body, since it brings its benefits to the boy, and here there are rules of etiquette which he should learn and follow; so Miskawayh is concerned with physical exercise. For the work contains, in general, the majority of opinions which he introduced in this subject, although he did aim for a basis to acquaint the reader with the way to reach the supreme happiness. Miskawayh aimed to discuss ‘refinement of character’ and realizing this; he reflected, and based this on what was said by Aristotle in his book of Ethics, and in the book of Discourses also, that evil may be transmitted through training, even to the best; but not in all circumstances. The opinion we think reliable is that he is Miskawayh, not ‘Ibn Miskawayh’; but this work is not edited, and the name on the cover is ‘Ibn Miskawayh’. Miskawayh’s advice to the seeker of wisdom, for example, we find published in the book of Yaqut al-Hamawi, the, Goodman, L. (1996), ‘Friendship in Aristotle, Miskawayh and al-Ghazali’ in O. Leaman (ed. It should be pointed out that when Miskawayh set out to talk of the training of young boys, he only approached this subject as his serious intellectual concern with the final end to which the human being is heading, or should be heading; and his moral philosophy, as a whole, brings the human being to reach supreme happiness; for there is no paradise nor fire, no reward nor punishment, since he distinguishes between philosophy and religion. They will also be favoured in this world, with a pleasant life, and a fine reputation. Miskawayh took from this Greek author only what he said about children, which emphasizes what was already indicated, and it could almost be a literal transmission in many places; however, he sometimes added certain personal experiments and observations resulting from his own life experience [25]. Sa vie personnelle est mal connue. He considers that religion retains man in his state of childhood and boyhood, where the faculty of the intellect is weak, while philosophy and supreme happiness remain for the human being’s youth and manhood, where his intellect is mature and he knows how to use it towards the highest virtues and most perfect aims [18]. Abou al-Hassan Ali Ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari (en Persan: علی ابن سهل ربان طبری) né à Amol (c. 838-c. 870 apr. This point will be treated in detail later. [9] Abu ‘Ali Ahmad b. Muhammad, known as Ibn Miskawayh, Tahdhib al-akhlaq, Cairo, Maktabat Muhammad ‘Ali Subayh, 1959, 76. The following text was originally published as: “Miskawayh (A.H. 320-421/A.D. Abstract In this article, I intend to present and analysis the concept of Islamic education of philosophy. Besides al-Farabi, Ibn Miskawayh (d. 1030) in his work Tahzib al-Akhlaq defined akhlaq as ‘a state of the soul which causes it to perform its actions without thought or deliberation’. So it is useful to extract from this discussion some detail on: The aims of training young boys, according to Miskawayh. IBN MISKAWAIH AND HIS ETHIC THEORY A. This emphasizes the multiple facets of his culture, making him a mirror for his age; for he is distinguished by the many sources of his culture and the encyclopedic nature of his writings [8]. Our souls can recognize similarly perfected souls, and as a result enjoy intense intellectual delight. This wretchedness is confirmed if he continues in four characteristics: 1. If Miskawayh did distance himself from natural life on this point, yet the rules of conduct which he presents and the exercise desirable for training young boys did not show concern for this boy’s existence in everyday life, and did not prepare him for customary practical human life, to the extent that it prepared him for a life closer to that of the military, harsh, tough, and ascetic. Ia lahir di Rayy (Teheran, ibu kota Republik Islam Iran sekarang) pada tahun 320 H/932 M dan wafat pada usia lanjut di Isfahan pada tanggal 9 Shafar 421 H/16 Pebruari 1030 M. Ibnu M a skawaih hidup pada masa pemerintahan dinasti Buwaihi di Baghdad (320-450 H/ 932-1062 M) yang sebagian besar … Besides all this, the basic conditions for reaching happiness are psychological conditions and factors; this is because training the soul, cleansing it, teaching it, making it profit from general and particular experiences, are centred on the human’s will and his ability to raise his inclinations, so as to attain the degree of happiness appropriate for him. 4. Figure 9: Laila and Majnun at School: Page from the Khamsa of Nizami (Quintet of Nizami), dated 835 H/1431–32 CE from Timurid Afghanistan (Herat), painted possibly by Mir Khalil. 49 ff. Those few works that are edited bear the correct name, Miskawayh; and that is how he is referred to by his contemporaries and the intellectuals and writers who worked with him [3]. Figure 6: Teacher and Students by Musa Roosta, from the School of Tabriz, 17th century (Source). Insolence, which results from neglect of the soul when it pursues desires and is unrestrained and seeks to commit sins and evil deeds; 4. Figure 5: Laila and Majnun at school, a painting by Bihzad painted in 1494 in Heart, kept now in the British Museum in London. Also Miskawayh presents the means or the way by which it is possible to recognize or deduce when the boy has reached this state: which is, that by careful scrutiny of the boy his intelligence can be deduced. He studied the works of Ibn Tabari with Ibn Kamil who was a student of the famous historian. He should be trained to admire generous characteristics, such as preferring others over himself in matters of food and drink, and he should confine himself to what is moderate and seek it. [6] For more detail, additional to the above, see: al-Qifti (Jamal al-Din Abu l-Mahasin ‘Ali b. al-Qadi al-Ashraf Yusuf), Ikhbar al-‘ulama’ bi-akhbar al-hukama’ (on wise men and philosophers), Beirut, Dar al-Athar li-l-taba’a wa-l-nashr wa-l-tawzi’, n.d. [7] ‘Abd al-‘Aziz ‘Izzat, Ibn Miskawayh, 349 ff. Miskawayh admirait les philosophes grecs, dont les oeuvres avaient fait l’objet de multiples traductions dues aux nombreux traducteurs de l’époque, mais, contrairement aux philosophes qui l’avaient précédé, notamment Farabi (260-339/873-950), que les musulmans appelaient le « second maître » (le premier étant Aristote), il ne s’est pas arrêté à la logique et à la métaphysique et a abordé des domaines que la majorité de ses prédécesseurs ou contemporains avaient négligé. The seventh, entitled ‘Restoring health to the soul’, clarifies the method of treating the illnesses of souls. Also because the soul of the boy is ready to accept training; so there must be concern for the boy, and he must be cared for, and not left to one who cannot do this training well or who does not have fine characteristics and excellent habits. Philosophical Culture in the 10th and 11th Centuries: Miskawayh and his Sources in Context Elvira Wakelnig, Vienna 10:00 a.m Ibn Miskawayh’s Conception of Child Education in the 11th Century Seyfi Kenan, Istanbul 10:30 a.m. [66] See, e.g., Nadia Jamal al-Din, Falsafat al-tarbiya ‘inda Ikhwan al-Safa’ (Philosophy of education in (the views of) the Brethren of Purity), Cairo, al-Markaz al-‘arabi li-l-sahafa, 1983. The human being will always remain capable of producing knowledge, seeking to increase it, transmitting it to others, adding to it, renewing it; which means it merits continual care and attention, to teach it, and, following Miskawayh’s example, to refine character and purify the dispositions. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Jamel El hamri, 2020, Cerf Patrimoines Jamel El Hamri est docteur en études arabes et en islam contemporain à l'université de Strasbourg. ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE“ … a continuous process that nurtures the natural potentials of human beings from the intellectual, behavioral, spiritual and physical aspects in an integrated and balanced manner so as to produce righteous human beings who will bring goodness to this world and hereafter ” 24. Figure 7: Painting atelier of the Ottoman Sultan dating from 1595-1603. The second maqala (section) of the seven in the book discusses character, humanity, and the method of training young men and boys. Miskawayh mentions supreme happiness in the third maqala of Tahdhib al-akhlaq, and gives a detailed account of it in order to attract the attention of one who does not know it, so that he will seek it and will be seized by the desire to reach it [13].After this Miskawayh sets out to clarify the various kinds of happiness and its virtues, which the human being is able to approach, and to live happily in this world following the requirements of virtue, in his view. The preoccupation which arises from persistence in ugly deeds [31]. For more detail on the life of Miskawayh, see pp. Methods of Training the Boy’s Soul Beginning with these views, Miskawayh presents the methods that are followed in training and refining the boy’s soul. 8.3. The basic responsibility for this falls upon the parents [42]. Miskawayh considers that if these manners are commendable for the poor, it is even better to have the rich seek them. This confirms the clarity of his vision and his ability to choose from among the kinds of culture reaching the Islamic community; indeed, it also confirms the ability of Islamic civilization to take up the sciences coming to it from previous civilizations, to make use of them, to work with them, and add to them. According to Yakut, Ibn Miskawayh died on 9 Safar 421/16 February 1030, at the age of 100. Figure 4: A scene of teaching from a manuscript of the Rasa’il Ikhwan al-Safa dating from 1287 CE (Süleymaniye Library, Istanbul) (Source). Despite this, and as it is now known that Miskawayh borrowed from and clearly defined his Greek source, then it may perhaps be said that the source of both was the same, except that it is the Greek heritage translated into Arabic in a variety of versions. His book Tadhib al-akhlaq (Ethical Instruction) is considered as the first major Islamic work on philosophical ethics. Thus, the practical aim attached to this earthly life, and resulting from the refinement of character, is bringing about the human being’s adaptation to those around him: and this is exemplified in his conduct and his relationships with them. [62] Imam al-Ghazali, Ihya’ ‘ulum al-din (Revival of the Religious Sciences), foreword by Badawi Tabana, Egypt, Dar Ihya’ al-kutub al-‘arabiyya, n.d., iii. 5.1. This will be by craft and educational organization, and the way here is that we should firstly know our own souls, what they are, and what kind of thing they are, and for what reason they were created within us – I mean, their perfection and their aim – and what are their faculties and abilities, which, if we use them as is needful, will bring us to this high rank; and what are the things holding us back from it, and what will purify them so they prosper, and what will come upon them so that they fail [16]. Maybe this is emphasized by Miskawayh’s indication that he borrowed what he found suitable in the works of the Greek ‘Brusun’, as he referred to him. This counsel extends to not taking pride in his father’s possessions, whether food or clothing or anything else. Miskawayh n’utilisait jamais dans ses écrits le terme. Their enemies will be few, many will praise them and seek their friendship, especially the virtuous [32]. Tous droits réservés. Maybe this simply indicates how much he was influenced by the culture coming to the Islamic nation, and well known at his time. L'historiographe et historien influent du 14 e siècle Ibn Khaldoun a écrit la Muqaddima ou Prolegomena (« Introduction ») sur ce qu'il a appelé le « processus graduel de création ». [65] See, e.g., Ben Sahnun, Adab al-mu’allimin (Manners of teachers), and al-Qabisi (Abu l-Hasan ‘Ali b. Khalaf), al-Risala al-mufassila li-ahwal al-muta’allimin wa-l-mu’allimin (Detailed epistle on the conditions of learners and teachers), both published in: Ahmad Fu’ad al-Ahwani, al-Tarbiya fi l-Islam (Education in Islam), Dar al-ma’arif al-misriyya, 1961. 1. Nasr and O. Leaman (eds. Panel 2 Miskawayh’s Reception and Adaption of Ideas from Greek Antiquity Chair: Lale Behzadi, Bamberg 09:30 a.m. He may even stretch out his hand to other people’s possessions, or may transmit stories which he hears, and may be overinquisitive. The importance of transactions with people, as Miskawayh says, refers to the fact that transactions lead to the appearance of virtues which only do so in company and in dealings and interaction with others, such as integrity, courage, and generosity. By using qualitative research methods through the documentation of the book … Abu `Ali Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Dans un autre registre, al-Mawardi [8] a proposé un programme éducatif qui concilie les intérêts mondains et religieux, et al-Gh Le Traité d’éthique est l’ouvrage de Miskawayh qui a acquis le plus de notoriété du vivant de son auteur, et c’est sur son contenu que nous allons nous arrêter afin d’en tirer l’essentiel de la pensée de Miskawayh sur le sujet précis de l’éducation, encore que l’intention première de ce dernier était de montrer au lecteur la voie du bonheur suprême. Miskawayh was attracted to Greek philosophy, the books of which were available in a variety of Arabic translations because there were so many translators. However, the name was also written on an inside page of the book, as ‘Brusun’: which the German Orientalist Paul Kraus corrected to Bryson [24]. As a result of human beings living together with others, and being in contact with them, their experience is enriched and virtues are rooted in their soul by way of putting these virtues into practice. Miskawayh ends his discussion of this opinion by explaining his view that every person can be changed; having done this, he indicates its influence on young men and boys, and the necessity to train them. Some of those he referred to distinctly in his writings, such as al-Kindi or al-Farabi, while with others he was content to mention their ideas only. This is that when the inquirer looks at him and finds he has lowered eyes, does not stare, and his face is not insolent, this is among the signs of his nobility and his fear of doing anything unseemly, and his preference for the good, and attaining reason. The book Tahdhib al-akhlaq is considered the most famous book of Miskawayh; so this is the work of which we shall examine the contents quite carefully, so as to base on it our presentation of Miskawayh’s remarks on the education of young boys, only. & ed. Wa Tathir al-Arara, the conclusion is that the epistemology of moral education according to Ibn Miskawaih includes; sources of knowledge, benchmarks of truth and classification of knowledge, and methodologies for acquiring knowledge. This is the final aim of man’s journey through life, the conclusion of his work and his service here; and his striving to purify his character, as Miskawayh prescribed, and presented to others who desired his knowledge, in the hope of being helped to realize it. These can all be detailed as follows. This is preceded in the first maqala by a discussion of the soul and its virtues. The preceding may give a picture of the basic features of Miskawayh’s educational ideas that he put forward in one of the most important of all his books; it contains also a selection of his words from The Book of Happiness (Kitab al-sa`ada). Since food is not desired for its own sake, nor for its sensory enjoyment, or that should be the case, Miskawayh presents a collection of advice which can be said to be more appropriate for the ascetic Sufi novice than for a boy in his prime, and at a fundamental stage in his growth. So the manners spoken of by Miskawayh to train young men and boys can bring about benefits which revert to the person so trained. However, he did not stop short at logic and theology, as did preceding Muslim philosophers such as al-Farabi (260-339/873-950), considered among Muslims as the Second Teacher after Aristotle, who was known to them as the First Teacher. It may be, too, that it distanced him to some extent from the Islamic tendency, which did not recognize particularity in the field of learning, because the specialization of the élite in rational sciences was merely a Greek idea, as is well known. The version we republish hereafter was edited and revised; we publish it with a slightly different title, new images and captions. (1996c), ‘Secular Friendship and Religious Devotion’ in O. Leaman (ed. 1609/74a) (Source). Stationers’ shops also appeared, for selling books or renting them out to readers; and there was increased competition among the caliphs, viziers, learned men, and others, to acquire books and to establish their own private libraries in their castles, and to gather people together for learned discussions on the content of these books, in what might resemble seminars or study circles today. This Website MuslimHeritage.com is owned by FSTC Ltd and managed by the Foundation for Science, Technology and Civilisation, UK (FSTCUK), a British charity number 1158509. [61] Ibid., 9. ©UNESCO, 2000. knowledge precedes action. [4] ‘Abd al-‘Aziz ‘Izzat, Ibn Miskawayh, falsafatuhu al-akhlaqiyya wa-masadiruha (Ibn Miskawayh: his ethical philosophy and its sources), Cairo, Maktaba wa-Matba’at Mustafa al-Babi al-Halabi, 1946, 8. In his early life, as Miskawayh remarks, he will be bad in his actions, relating what he has neither heard nor seen, passing on false tales. Miskawayh était convaincu que les mœurs pouvaient être réformées et purifiées de ce qu’elles avaient acquis de vices et de défauts. Ethics and education The sixth maqala, entitled ‘Medicine for souls’, clarifies the importance for man to know his own defects. The opinion here is that reading the text in accordance with the language of his age, and the meanings it carries which the writer himself intended to express, is more precise and closer to scientific integrity. Islam et violence : Questionner les références scripturaires et historiques, Collèges et lycées musulmans (Région parisienne), Apprendre la langue arabe (1) : ressources en ligne, Apprendre la langue arabe (2) : les médias arabo-musulmans, Documentaires/Films (2) : Festivals, Maisons de Productions, Organisations gouvernementales & Non gouvernementales. [1] Nadia Gamal-al-Din (Egypt) Professor in the principles of education, College of Education, ‘Ayn Shams University, Cairo. Mikawayh: his life and works Indeed, a number of historians have seen it as the ‘Golden Age’ of this outstanding civilization [2]. 7. He observed that ‘the Book of Policy attributed to Ibn Sina is no more than a summary of the book of Bryson’ [61]. The miniature shows the author, probably the court chronicler Talikizade, caligraphist and miniature painter, working on the Shahname for Mehmet III (ruled 1595-1603). Miskawayh believed that one’s morality changed due to education and admonishment. Ya'qûb, dit Abû 'Alî, surtout connu sous le nom de Miskawayh ou Ibn Miskawayh [1], est un homme d'État, philosophe, historien, savant et bibliothécaire iranien d'expression arabe, né à Ray en 932 (an 320 de l'Hégire), mort presque centenaire [2] à Ispahan en février 1030 (ṣafar an 421 de l'Hégire. © Copyright FSTC Ltd 2002-2020. Manners Linked to the Boy’s Conduct Although the responsibility of refining and purifying the soul is an individual one, where every human being is responsible for himself in the first place, and then to complete the virtues he can help others in following along the way – yet Miskawayh did not speak of acts of worship obligatory for mankind in Islam, for these are responsibilities which fall on the shoulders of the adult person. In addition to this, what he would acquire as a result of this endeavour would be much clearer when the soul freed itself from the body; for the reward is for later, when this life is finished, when the spirit will obtain closeness to the Perfectly Happy, as has already been mentioned. Dominique Avon, PUR, 2020, 1171 pages. Membre du... La vocation civilisationnelle de l'islam dans l'oeuvre de Malek Bennadi. See also, ‘Izzat, 367, 425, 430. Islamic Philosophy of Education Dr. Sobhi Rayan Senior Lecturer Department of Education Alqasemi Academy College Baka AL-qarbiyh, Israel. The above may serve to explain that, for Miskawayh, ethics are very closely bound up with the objective of the human being’s education; for he stresses continually that it is not possible to distinguish between the learner’s personality and character, on the one hand, and on the other the science he learns and the aim and objective for which he is striving to learn it. 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Being rational writings of Miskawayh, see e.g in this world, his. Ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website emphasizes fine actions whether. Are commendable for the poor, it contains an original theory on the of. Xxiv, 1994 ( Paris, UNESCO ), p. 135-156 with particular reference to among! Four characteristics: 1 Kitab al-Fihrist, ed and Religious Devotion ’ O.. Intellectual and philosopher in the Tahdhib [ 59 ] about: OCLC number 25633640. Refining the boy ’ s soul their friendship, especially the virtuous [ ]... [ 42 ] some detail on: the aims of training young boys said Miskawayh! Soul ’, clarifies the method of treating the illnesses of souls understand how you use this website I to. Éducation, 2000 Ce document peut être Miskawayh believed that one ’ biography... Of punishment, and gold on paper ) ( Source ) encouragement to rise above the desire for and., the section on Ibn Miskawayh is one of the wretched, and going without it of... 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