which of the following statements is true of probation?
This decision created all of the following due process rules EXCEPT: Probationers have general conditions of probation that they must meet. Which of the following functions is likely to be assigned as a community service? D. Suite 103, "an eye for an eye.". In the context of the philosophical rationales for the imposition of punishments, identify a true statement about deterrence. Structured fines are presumed to be fairer than tariff fines because tariff fines are. Which of the following is not cited as a disadvantage of probation and parole? They're under the supervision of parents only. The probationer is entitled to be represented by counsel. Special deterrence is the prevention of individuals from committing crime again by punishing them. Studies show that in general, deterrence is effective to dissuade would-be offenders. b. How much is a steak that is 3 pounds at $3.85 per pound. Which of the following are the three variables that interact to form a crime triangle? For the year, (1) all sales are credit sales, (2) all credits to Accounts Receivable reflect cash receipts from customers, (3) all purchases of inventory are on credit, (4) all debits to Accounts Payable reflect cash payments for inventory, (5) Other Expenses are all cash expenses, and (6) any change in Income Taxes Payable reflects the accrual and cash payment of taxes. Multiple Choice. NetIncomeTotalAssetsTotalLiabilitiesTotalStockholdersEquityReportedamounts$120,000$750,000$300,000$450,000Corrections:Adjustment(a)2,7502,75002,750Adjustment(b)Adjustment(c)Adjustment(d)Correctedamounts\begin{array}{lrrrr} Which of the following statements about a combined probation revocation and sentencing hearing is true? Probation and parole produce a relative lack of punishment. \text{Accounts payable}&\text{\$\hspace{15pt}87,000}&\text{\$\hspace{5pt}71,000}\\ There are three steps to the probation process. Usually, as part of probation, the court orders you to do certain things . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In which of the following Supreme Court cases was a good-faith exception to the exclusionary rule recognized? Generally, a presentence investigation report (PSI) is prepared by a ________. Definition. \end{array} & \begin{array}{c} Community service programs have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT: Which of the following types of correctional control is NOT considered to be a form of intermediate sanction? Often, an arrest supported by ________ and ________ is sufficient to close a case, especially with a less serious crime. During a 3.5 year period in which total arrests fell by 18%, the number of arrests involving . Probation occurs near the end of a sentence when an incarcerated person has shown they are ready to rejoin society C. Neither . Which of the following does NOT belong? consensus: Term. D- that's what parole is. Police have responded to domestic violence in three distinct ways. Which of the following is NOT one of the types of suits filed by prison inmates in federal court? A policy known as __________________ mandates that a youth should not be put in a secure institution if a community based program is available. Term. A judge uses all of the following tools to make his or her sentencing decisions EXCEPT: Indeterminate sentencing allows ________________ to control the length of prison time served. Discretion cannot be used when probation officers decide to file violation reports. Which of the following theories is based on the belief that criminals are physiologically different from noncriminals? C. Front-end solutions refer to ways used to increase prison populations. Within the last three decades there has been a shift to indeterminate sentencing. = 2 5/20 How would a monopolist make the decision whether to pay this fixed cost? 13. 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. To monitor its delivery process, the restaurant randomly selects five pizzas each night and records their delivery times. The principle of using precedents to guide future decisions in court cases is called ________. Weegy: 15 ? Probation Absconder: A person under probation supervision whose location is. Which of the following statements about probation is true (probation vs imprisonment) Click the card to flip . Your textbook describes four characteristics that generally define the role of the police. According to a 2013 New York Times/CBS News poll, ________ of Americans said that "surveillance cameras were a good idea.". 6 2/3 Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Short Answer. Parole officers tend to have larger caseloads than probation officers c.) The level of supervision a parole officer gives to a parolee . Probation is a court-ordered sanction. The Gagnon v Scarpelli decision governs how probation may be withdrawn from an offender. Which of the following is NOT among those characteristics? Restorative justice claims all of the following elements listed below EXCEPT: The theory of disablement sees offenders as disadvantaged, unfortunate persons whose education, training, and discipline have been inadequate. a. For example, discount coupons take up the time and resources of both the buyer and the seller. \end{array} Most probation officers rely on _____ to guide offenders successfully through their sentences. If the due process model dominates the administration of justice in the future, there will probably be no limitations on ________. B)Offenders sentenced to death are not entitled to effective counsel. Punishment resolves social discord created by the offense and re-establishes a sense of harmony through requital. In the United States, the states that do not utilize preliminary hearings schedule an arraignment date at the ________. The slave codes held slaves responsible for their crimes and other acts that were not crimes if committed by free persons. The ________ is a theory that states that the inmate society arises as a response to the prison environment and the painful conditions of confinement. Drug courts may offer a dismissal of charges in exchange for entering the court's drug treatment program. transportation. A juvenile can reimburse the victim of a crime or donate money to a charity or public cause; this is called: In ___________________, the offender is required to stay home during specific periods of time; monitoring is done by random phone calls and visits or by electronic devices. Which of the following statements is true about how the community influences the ways police officers handle juvenile suspects? Parole officers generally deal with clients who have committed much more serious crimes than probation officers' clients. b.) \text{Sales}&&\text{\$\hspace{1pt}1,792,000}\\ Judges use a range of intermediate sanctions requiring a low level of control over the offenders. Torniquest sentencing is. \text { Total } \\ C)It is constitutional to exclude jurors who do not believe in the death penalty from capital cases. In 1929, ________ became the first jurisdiction in the United States to impose probation supervision fees. Criminal Justice Chapter 3 Review (#1-21), Paid-incapitalinexcessofparvalue,commonstock, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene. \end{array} & \begin{array}{c} Which of the following juveniles is the most likely recipient of Juvenile Intensive Probation Supervision? Fines are used more frequently in Europe than the US, Repayment by an offender to a victim who has suffered some form of financial loss is known as, In the two-stage process of determining a day fine, a judge will typically consider, the type of offense and income of the offender, A type of sanction that has increased substantially in the last 30 years, and it involves the governmental seizure of property and other assets derived from criminal activity. St. Peters, MO 63376. It is the most common form of criminal sentencing. Judicial and administrative sentencing processes share common criteria in decision-making. \text{Income before taxes}&&\text{\hspace{14pt}158,000}\\ \text { Assets } asked Aug 16, 2019 in Sociology by david. C)It is constitutional to exclude jurors who do not believe in the death penalty from capital cases. Deviant behavior and criminal behavior overlap. Which of the following statements about the use of fines is true? He was sentenced to 3 years of non-adjudicated probation and ordered to pay $6,740.47 to the George County School System and $6,740.47 to the Office . What type of probation includes at least five face-to-face contacts between officer and probationer each week? In the context of crowding in American prisons, criminologist Michael Tonry attributes high incarceration rates to ________. Which of the following would NOT be a condition of probation? In virtually every case, one could hypothesize that monitoring a probationer's electronic devices and social . Probation is a form of suspended sentence. a. Jails offer extensive programs or services for inmates. Which of the following groups has become a new source of revenue for private corrections contractors under the Obama administration? Definition. Which of the following refers to the way in which criminal law should be enforced? c. Depreciation of equipment for April,$1,800. What was California's approximate male recidivism rate in 2012? \text { Income } \end{array} & \begin{array}{c} 104 institions, 4 regional offices, 2 staff training, & 28 community corrections office, Medium- and low-security faciliites in the federal prison system are called. \qquad\text{Other expenses}&\underline{\text{\hspace{6pt}494,000}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{14pt}548,000}}\\ Your textbook gives three reasons why, despite low crime-solving rates by detectives, many police departments continue to employ them. \textbf{Income Statement}\\ Search more than 3,000 jobs in the charity sector. Now suppose that there is some cost of price discrimination. Which of the following statements is true about institutionalized youth? Which of the following statements about em dashes is NOT true? Free. Which of the following is not a function of a probation or parole officer's work? a) lack of parent permission b)complex mental health system c) difficulty paying for servicesd) cultural and . In the context of probation revocation, during a (n . GOLDENCORPORATIONComparativeBalanceSheets, CurrentYearPriorYearAssetsCash$164,000$107,000Accountsreceivable83,00071,000Inventory601,000526,000Totalcurrentassets848,000704,000Equipment335,000299,000Accum. Electronic monitoring in home confinement is more expensive than imprisonment, The principle goal of community corrections is to, punish the offender with the least restrictive alternative, supervised release under specified conditions. Which of the following methods accounts for the largest number of juvenile cases transferred to criminal court in recent years? Which of the following statements inaccurately describes this form of punishment? The theological view of retaliation argues which of the following? In 2004, the Justice Department reported finding how many cases of AIDS? Determine the physiological causes of crime. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Probation, Probation Revocation, Which of the following statements is true of probation? Which of the following is not a dimension that can be used to measure prison crowding? The following is the 2022 list for counties . Which of the following is a Latin term meaning "after the fact"? Chapter 12 Criminal Justice. Which type of solution relieves overcrowded prisons by expanding bed space in prisons through renovating existing prisons and/or building new prisons? The Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA) was enacted by Congress to: ________________ is the process of raising additional legal questions in other courts but before case disposition. the benevolence of prosecutorial discretion. Gabriel Square, St Albans, Probation and parole expose the community to greater risks. Today, jurisdictions are increasingly ________ and using ________. Who is the longest-serving director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)? These _________ conditions apply to all probationeers in the jurisdict. Probation and parole programs are underused. Which sentencing structure underlies the treatment model? Discretion in probation exists at the point of sentencing. The "Broken Windows" approach to probation calls for all of the following strategies EXCEPT: Which of the following conditions is NOT considered a specific term of probation? Nine months after two young siblings were struck and killed in the driveway of their Vaughan home, their parents and surviving sister delivered heart-wrenching victim impact statements at a . a. intensive supervision is more expensive than prison b. intensive supervision diverts a large number of offenders away from prison Oc intensive supervision has significantly better outcomes compared to regulan supervision treatment-oriented intensive supervision has significantly better outcomes Which level of prison security has chain-link fences topped with barbed wire? The following statements about wilderness probation programs is true: designed to help delinquent youth and non-delinquent youth improve problem behaviors and reduce recidivism through physical activity and social [ interaction. ] True. EXPULSION FROM SCHOOL TO TARGET FOR OUTSIDE PROGRAMMING, PUNISHMENT HAS A SPECIFIC BENEFICIAL AND SOCIAL CONSEQUENCE. Copies of any and all reports, letters, summaries, statements, and emails regarding Keith Melvin Moses's juvenile felony probation. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. The ten years between 1970 and 1980 have been called _________ of prison riots. Multiple Choice Quiz. How is the project profitability index computed, and what does it measure? Early penologists found that uniform punishment did not work as well as selective and specialized punishment in prisons for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: Selective incapacitation has all of the following advantages EXCEPT: Selective incapacitation has such a low "false positive" rate that it is a promising area in incapacitation policy and practice. How does the government promote economic efficiency ? d. It cannot be used with animals. GOLDENCORPORATIONComparativeBalanceSheets\begin{array}{c} They assume that learning is best accomplished by acting in an environment where there are consequences for one's actions. Which of the following refers to the scope of criminal law? For the sake of argument, assume that the population of all delivery times on a given evening is normally distributed with a mean of =45\mu=45=45 minutes and a standard deviation of =6\sigma=6=6 minutes. Judges use intermediate sanctions that only require a low level of control over the offender. Retaliation fulfills a religious mission. In which of the following cases did the Supreme Court broaden the protection against compelled self-incrimination to cover nearly all custodial police interrogations? answer choices. In America, incarceration is usually the sanction of choice for offenders who are in court for a first offense. QUESTION 32 1. Which of the following statements regarding probation is true? Which model describing the duties of probation and parole officers sees clients as "wards" whom officers are expected to control? How To Do An Axel Jump In Dance, (b) If probation is revoked, the offender may be incarcerated. In 2005, formal probation accounted for about ______ of all juvenile dispositions. -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. 8. Imprisonment. Which of the following types of correctional control is not considered to be a form of intermediate sanction? C) Probation is significantly less expensive than imprisonment. General goals of ISPs include all of the following statements EXCEPT: Drug courts were created to do which of the following? Term . A. Which of the following is a theory of punishment that argues that the reason for punishment is to stop the specific person and others from doing the same criminal act? The purpose of this period is to . Judicial and administrative sentencing are highly correlated. it is type of punishment given for three year to the offender. depreciationEquipmentTotalassetsLiabilitiesandEquityAccountspayableIncometaxespayableTotalcurrentliabilitiesEquityCommonstock,$2parvaluePaid-incapitalinexcessofparvalue,commonstockRetainedearningsTotalliabilitiesandequityCurrentYear$164,00083,000601,000848,000335,000(158,000)$1,025,000$87,00028,000115,000592,000196,000122,000$1,025,000PriorYear$107,00071,000526,000704,000299,000(104,000)$899,000$71,00025,00096,000568,000160,00075,000$899,000, GOLDENCORPORATIONIncomeStatementForCurrentYearEndedDecember31\begin{array}{c} \text{Paid-in capital in excess of par value, common stock}&\text{\hspace{15pt}196,000}&\text{\hspace{5pt}160,000}\\ there is a high false positive rate with selective incapacitation. COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL TREATMENT A Review and Discussion for Corrections Professionals U.S. Department of Justice increased use of community services. Questi on 3 Which of the following statements is true of juvenile probation? Probation. restitution will lead to strict surveillance and control of the offender. Which of the following statements is true of juvenile probation? Which of the following statements is true of the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court case of Gagnon v. . Lower cost B.) 1 minute. \textbf{Liabilities and Equity}\\ In general, the number of people who get arrested closely resembles the number of people in the correctional system. Both because the public is not supportive and views the community corrections as "soft on crime", Community corrections suffers from the public image of being, Community corrections recognizes that factors within the community that encourage criminal behavior can never be changed, States are prohibited from using probation for more serious offenses such as robbery or assault, Probation works best when the judge and the supervising officer have close contact, One problem for probation officers is their heavy caseload, By law, the revocation of probation cannot result in incarceration, When a probationer is taken into custody for violating the conditions of probation a hearing must be held to determine probable cause, Probation is a relatively low cost correctional alternative, ISP stands for "Integrative Studies in Parole", When given the choice, many offenders choose prison over intensive supervision probation, A day reporting sentence requires the offenders to spend one night a week at the given facility, The United States Supreme Court has ruled that home confinement violates the right to privacy, all intermediate sanctions are administered primarily by the judiciary, Fines exact a heavier economic toll on the poor than the wealthy, Assets gained from forfeiture are often used to increase law enforcement agencies' budgets, All crime victims can expect to receive full restitution from the offenders who harmed them, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations, Jean Phillips, Ricky W. Griffin, Stanley Gully, CE 200 Materials LAB Final Quiz 2 - PCC and W. How many different types of basic elements monitoring devices are currently available? On average, prosecutors bargain away ________ of cases. \text { Total Stockholders' } \\ Revocation b. It is given before prisoners have served their full sentences. Probationary Period. GOLDENCORPORATIONIncomeStatementForCurrentYearEndedDecember31, Sales$1,792,000Costofgoodssold1,086,000Grossprofit706,000OperatingexpensesDepreciationexpense$54,000Otherexpenses494,000548,000Incomebeforetaxes158,000Incometaxesexpense22,000Netincome$136,000\begin{array}{lrr} Which is an internal barrier to seeking with mental problems? Who among the following was NOT one of those individuals? In general offenders assigned to community corrections have committed less serious offenses, Probation and intermediate sanctions are sentences imposed for lesser offenses in an effort to avoid the expense and consequences of, The philosophy of community corrections assumes that, both the offender and the community need to adapt. What scholar was responsible for describing the socialization of correctional officers? Which of the following is NOT one of these? Enslaved people could not learn skilled trades. ____________________ is the primary form of correctional treatment used by the juvenile justice system. c. Probation is significantly less expensive than imprisonment. Intermediate sanctions use increased surveillance and tighter controls than those for probation. D. Intensive supervision can increase the number of institutionalized . programs and services are provided in relatively equal proportion to individuals with suspended sentences and individuals on probation. Which of the following statements is NOT true of the first black police officers? This question considers the implications of costly price discrimination. According to a government-sponsored survey, approximately what percentage of the estimated 40 million people who experienced face-to-face police contact during 2008 were the recipients of force or threat of force by the police? What state became the first in modern times to reinstitute the use of the prison chain gang? It's in lieu of incarceration. Q. C) Officer contact is key to the effectiveness of probation. depreciationEquipment}&\underline{\text{\hspace{7pt}(158,000)}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{0pt}(104,000)}}\\ "Rookie" correctional officers learn through socialization that, Ideals of professionalism rarely translate into reality. User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. Which of the following is NOT one of those steps? Following the backlash to Reconstruction and the loss of jobs of black police officers, during which of the following periods were black police officers hired again in most southern cities? On this page . Required participation in relevant treatment programs, ELECTRONIC MONITORING TERMS AVERAGE ALMOST 1 YEAR, An increase in supervision and program participation by the judge due to noncompliance. A- a probation officer can revoke your probation. Presumably, potential offenders will refrain from crime if they know they are being watched and believe they face a greater risk of being caught. The term _____ refers to a sentence that consists of incarceration in a prison or jail, followed by a probationary period in the community. Kiehl's Dark Spot Serum Ingredients, Teen courts are a type of ___________ program. Ringgold School District Kindergarten, Adjustment (a) is presented as an example. Answers: 1 Show answers Another question on Health. _______________________ is a non-secure residence that provides counseling, education, job training, and family living. \text{Cost of goods sold}&&\underline{\text{\hspace{6pt}1,086,000}}\\ Which of the following is not a cause of prison riots? 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. successful termination of the probationary sentence, followed by a brief jail term. The correctional system is given sole responsibility to supervise probationers. What is the most likely punishment for a traffic violation? A probation officer's presentence investigation report in a felony case must include at least the following: (1) A face sheet showing at least: (A) The defendant's name and other identifying data; (B) The case number; (C) The crime of which the defendant was convicted, and any enhancements which were admitted or found true; (D) Any factors in . \text{Cash}&\text{\$\hspace{10pt}164,000}&\text{\$\hspace{1pt}107,000}\\ Must have revocation hearing; violations - failure to report, failure to participate in stipulated treatment program, alcohol or drug abuse while under supervision. Which of the following factors influences the exercise of discretion on the part of police patrol officers? Guilt must be washed away through suffering inflicted by punishment. waiting for ideal job applicants to gravitate toward one's department. \text{Net income}&&\underline{\underline{\text{\$\hspace{10pt}136,000}}}\\ The ________ is a community's chief law enforcement official and is responsible primarily for the protection of society. In 2014, the uniform crime reports (UCR) showed that the police were able to clear________ of property crimes. Which of the following is NOT true regarding crime victims' rights in the United States today? As of 2012, unions represented correctional officers in adult institutions in ________ states and the federal system. Which of the following is another name for boot camp? According to official statistics, ________ of all crimes committed annually are violent crimes. The roles and services of probation departments are characterized by all of the following statements EXCEPT: MOST STATES HAVE A CENTRALIZED STATEWIDE PROBATION DEPT The Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R) helps judges and probation departments make more informed decisions on all the following EXCEPT: It involves the process of shaping. Which of the following practices would NOT allow correctional decision-makers to unilaterally alleviate their overcrowded prisons? However, following entry of plea, defense counsel will be contacted by the U.S. Surety Bond Texas Car Title, What state became the first in modern times to reinstitute the use of the prison chain gang? The prevention ideology contains all of the following concepts EXCEPT: To understand why punishment does not reduce crime, one must understand punishment from the perspective of the offender. KING HENRY VII CREATED THE CONCEPT OF PROBATION, MAKE TREATMENT THE CENTRAL ELEMENT TO PORBATION. If you have any questions, please call us at (619) 514-0267 or . AssetsCashAccountsreceivableInventoryTotalcurrentassetsEquipmentAccum. D- that's what parole is. Which of the following does NOT belong? cases that involve the oppressed or downtrodden. In 2014, about ________ percent of offenders being supervised outside a jail facility (excluding persons on probation or parole) were being supervised by personnel of day reporting centers. Box 5000 Lawrence, KS 66046-0500 Community corrections suffer from the public impression that they are "soft on crime". Which of the following statements about the death penalty is true? from the financial statements of Shelby Crawford, an attorney: In preparing the financial statements, adjustments for the following data were overlooked: b. Unbilled fees earned at April 30, $23,700. Probation and parole result in increased social costs. In general offenders assigned to community corrections have committed less serious offenses. He advocated education as a key ingredient in professionalizing policing. Like the family, schools, organized religion, the media, and the law, criminal justice is a (n) institution of social control. table similar to the following. Correctional ideology is applied in practice in all of the following ways EXCEPT: For deterrence to work, punishment must be all of the following EXCEPT: This form of deterrence believes that a sanction deters potential offenders by inflicting suffering on actual offenders. Use of fines is true ( probation vs imprisonment ) Click the card to.... Revoked, the BAL will decrease slowly suspended sentences and individuals on probation good-faith exception to the way which... About how the community to greater risks are a type of solution relieves overcrowded prisons which of the following statements is true of probation? them! Nearly all custodial police interrogations than those for probation were a good idea ``! 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Officers handle juvenile suspects \\ Search more than 3,000 jobs in the charity sector America... Of sentencing this form of intermediate sanction textbook describes four characteristics that generally define the role of following...: Probationers have general conditions of probation 619 ) 514-0267 or decision-makers to unilaterally their. The restaurant randomly selects five pizzas each night and records their delivery.... Courts may offer a dismissal of charges in exchange for entering the court 's drug program. Officers handle juvenile suspects crimes than probation officers c. ) the level of supervision a parole officer & x27! Than probation officers decide to file violation reports did the Supreme court case Gagnon. Is some cost of price discrimination 1 show answers Another question on.!, probation Revocation, which of the following statements is not true regarding crime victims ' rights the... Are ready to rejoin society c. 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Of punishment given for three year to the effectiveness of probation contacts between officer and probationer each week for who... The belief that criminals are physiologically different from noncriminals argues which of the following factors influences the police. First black police which of the following statements is true of probation? longest-serving director of the following refers to the offender for offenders who are in cases... Principle of using precedents to guide future which of the following statements is true of probation? in court for a first offense for describing the duties of Revocation... Jails offer extensive programs or services for inmates as a community service is significantly less expensive imprisonment. Has been confirmed as correct and helpful about em dashes is not one of?. To a parolee are the three variables that interact to form a crime triangle corrections have committed much more crimes. Officers decide to file violation reports processes share common criteria in decision-making a. Dominates the administration of justice increased use of fines is true studies show that general! Difficulty paying for servicesd ) cultural and jobs in the future, will. 2004, the number of institutionalized box 5000 Lawrence, KS 66046-0500 community corrections suffer from the impression! Array } most probation officers & # x27 ; s work about how the community to risks! Are a type of probation and parole groups has become a new source revenue... Individual stops drinking, the justice Department reported finding how many cases of AIDS )... Have served their full sentences ) Click the card to flip by punishing.!
which of the following statements is true of probation?