holston river valley settlers

I wish you well on your research and best wishes on correcting the mistakes concerning your ancestor, George Brown. European-American settlers built Fort Patrick Henry on the north bank of the South Fork of the Holston River. New cabins made from the fresh cut logs, cries from newborns as they breath the crisp air. The fort on the Holston River opposite the upper end of Long Island was built by a regiment of British troops under Colonel Bird, in the autumn of 1758, and was occupied by them during the following winter. Tennessee. men. About the time of the Revolutionary War, the McCrays, the Noddings, Calverts and Bayless families migrated to Washington County. During this article, you will read of the past by way of old Indian trails, hunting parties and the mountainous terrain that led to this wilderness frontier. John Campbell to. Lucas Massengill having married Mary Cobb, a sister of William. About the time of the Revolutionary War, the McCrays, the Noddings, Calverts and Bayless families migrated to Washington County. Bowlin and Mary (Lee) Curtis settled by the Watauga River about 1792. Most settlers came down the Great Valley through Virginia, while others went through gaps in the Unaka Range from North Carolina. (LogOut/ Zillow has 540 homes for sale in Tennessee matching Holston River. territory. Tennessee offers many local attractions and business for you to explore. Hickman Memorial Bridge, Orville Depew "Dick" Kitzmiller and Riley Lee Milhorn Memorial Bridge, Marine PFC Charles Howard Duty Memorial Bridge, SSGTs. Dungan, acquired land in the area in 1778 and built a mill on Brush Creek in the present town of Watauga. (History of Southwest Virginia). These are early times so maybe there arent many, it may help me to locate their city if I can pinpoint Williams info. The settlers were warned and stopped the first attack at Heaton's Station. Jeremiah [8] Similarly, Holston Mountain was named after the Holston River. this continued for a time, but when it . The fort also housed at least sixty women and children during the years of 1756 to 1760. He received the grants of these lands in 1782 for one hundred and forty-nine acres in Washington County, on a branch of Horse Creek, including the Turnip Patch improvement, and in 1783, nine hundred and forty acres on Horse Creek, the south side of Holston River. Eastern Tennessee. Resolved that John Carter be Colonel, John Sevier, Lieutenant Colonel, Charles Roberson 1st Major, and Jacob Womack, 2nd Major, for the District of Washington, and that commissions issued accordingly. Other settlers followed him there. (LogOut/ In 1771, Colonel James The Jobe family was also among the early settlers. Like the old Carolina and Virginia gentlemen. blood in the Holston Valley and other neighboring parts of the USA. TheNolichucky Riverflows throughWestern North CarolinaandEast Tennessee. The above is just a brief description of the early history and origins of the area. John Nicholas (1753) and Margaretha Mottern were from Berks County Pennsylvania. Beverly Bastian, Jenna Tedrick Kuttruff, and Stuart Strumpf, Fort Loudoun in Tennessee: 1756-1760: History, Archaeology, Replication, Exhibits, and Interpretation-Waldenhouse Publishers, Inc., 2010. Mr. Cobb was a wealthy farmer and immigrant from North Carolina, no stranger to comfort and taste nor ? James Robertson and John Sevier, two of the leading members of the Watauga settlement, immediately set about to devise ways and means by which they could avoid the order of the British agent. of gun powder from the magazine in Halifax, for the defense of the District of Washington, and Mr. Christopher Dudley is hereby directed to furnish him with the same. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Be the First to Know of new additions on Piedmont Trails, Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Early Tennessee Settlers of the Watauga Settlement of Washington County, https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Old_South_Carolina_State_Road, The Early Settlers of Stokes County, North Carolina, Early Settlements & Surnames of Tennessee 1756-1780, First Major Route of The Colonies-The King's Highway, Early Settlers Along The Catawba River Segment 2, 18th Century Settlers of Stokes County, NC, John Wallace-#1, Book 36, pg. In late 1783, North Carolina passed an act to sell vacant land to settlers. Early Maps of Tennessee, 1794-1799., Irwin, Ned L. Voice in The Wilderness: John Haywood And The Preservation of Early Tennessee History., James C. Kelly, Fort Loudoun: A British Stronghold in the Tennessee Country, East Tennessee Historical Society Publications. Taylor's Meeting House Fort (1776), near Silvacola John Buchanan (died 1769) was a colonial Virginia landowner, magistrate, colonel in the Virginia Militia, deputy surveyor under Thomas Lewis, and Sheriff of Augusta County, Virginia.As a surveyor, Buchanan was able to locate and purchase some of the most desirable plots of land in western Virginia and quickly became wealthy and politically influential. The North Fork flows 138 miles (222km) southwest from Sharon Springs in Bland County, Virginia. Named for Stephen Holston, who built a cabin on its banks in 1746, it is 115 mi (185 km) long and has two important Tennessee Valley Authority . As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. The revival that followed on Boones Creek was called the Great Meeting. The revival also attracted members of the Buffalo Ridge Baptist Church. View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place. In 1780 John Carter and his son, Landon C. Carter, built a two story frame home with two fireplaces. (History of Southwest Virginia). By May, 1785 they had petitioned to be admitted to the United States as the State of Franklin. The request was denied. 1-240 acres-Washington County-north fork of Doe River, David Reese-#2, Book 36, pg. On September 25, 1780, the Overmountain Men Did you know that Nashville is one of Tennessees early settlements? Yes, the Watauga Settlement of Washington County was a success in every aspect of the word. As a result, patriot leaders throughout the Southeast called for their destruction. 194-643 acres-Sullivan County-north side of, James Blair-#829, Book 74, pg. This His note cards, which reference more than 4,000 early settlers of the Holston-Clinch River area and East Tennessee (1770s-1790s), are held at the Library of Virginia. to what, in that day was called style. TheNolichucky Riverflows throughWestern North CarolinaandEast Tennessee. He must have been close to James Chandler as well since they were both present at their weddings in 1811 to Keicher girls. In 1824 Jerial Dodge baptized her at the Sinking Creek Baptist Church, and the Baptist Association decided against the baptism. George Brown is my brick wall, He is buried in Stewart Cemetery in Putnam County, Tn. Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. It was created in 1784 with the intent of becoming the fourteenth state. Sevier, Sr., but later owned by Solomon and Abraham Hart, sons of Leonard Hart. History Draper's manuscript Life of Daniel Boone appears to have brought him into the Valley that bears his name. Holston River, river formed by the junction of the North and South forks just west of Kingsport, eastern Tennessee, U.S. Legislative Journal of the Provincial Congress at Halifax, North Carolina Monday, December 23rd, 1776. It is divided into two almost equal parts by the Holston River, which traverses its entire length. The first Settlers of Augusta County, Virginia arrived in the 1720's primarily from Pennsylvania, Maryland and Eastern Virginia. They settled about three miles above the present town of Elizabethton. An American Family History is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, In 1790 Reverend Samuel Doak and Hezikiah Balch organized the Hebron Samuel Weaver purchased 600 acres on Little Limestone creek (#629) about 1784. In Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee it is said that the order of the coming of the early families as permanent settlers to what is the new Tennessee was as follows: To the latter list the Massengills should be added, for the Cobbs and Massengills are said to have arrived at the same time. Dragging Canoe built new towns down the Little Tennessee River on Chickamauga Creek, and established a staging area for ongoing guerilla warfare. Jonesborough (historically also Jonesboro) is a town in, and the county seat of, Washington County, Tennessee, in the Southeastern United States.Its population was 5,860 as of 2020. John Carter and his son, Landon Carter, settled on the western side of the Holston River about 1770. The Middle Fork flows 56.5 miles (90.9km) from near the western border of Wythe County, Virginia, joining the South Fork in Washington County, Virginia, southeast of Abingdon. The John Carr family came from South Carolina, and was one of the first in Washington County, Tennessee. 2-90 acres-Washington County-both sides of Doe River, William Sharpe-#3, Book 36, pg. Those settlers had come across the Blue Ridge Mountains from Rowan County. https://georgiapioneers.com/subscribe/subscribe.html, https://georgiapioneers.com/subscribe/subscribe.html. tuller.roberta@gmail.com Like other tailwater rivers, it maintains an optimum water temperature year round, providing outstanding trout habitat and angling opportunities in all seasons. [9] Both the South Fork in Virginia and the first 20 miles (32km) of the Holston in Tennessee below South Holston Dam are quality brown trout and rainbow trout fisheries. According to Masengill, Henry Massengill, Sr. settled in 1769 as one of the first settlers. On July 13, 1792 Moses Humphreys purchased a tract of land on the north This places the fort on its original position and preserves the history of its residents and the history that accompanies it. Two days after Hendersons Transylvania purchase was connsummated at Sycamore Shoals March 17, 1775 the Watauga Assocation purchased for 2000 pounds in lawful money of Great Britain in hand paid,the land which. In 1790 Reverend Samuel Doak and Hezikiah Balch organized the Hebron The of each family was William Cobb and Lucas Massengill, brothers-in-law. The Holston River is a major river system of southwestern Virginia and East Tennessee. The group included his brothers and brother-in-law. Mordecai Price received a patent for four hundred acres on Sinking 6-400 acres-Washington County-above great falls on the waters of Lick Creek, Charles Robinson-#7, Book 36, pg. side of Boones Creek in Washington County from William Ellis for 50 "current money.". The Holston River is a 136-mile (219km) river that flows from Kingsport, Tennessee, to Knoxville, Tennessee. Tennessee. At first he made his residence at the home of William Cobb, in the fork of the Holston and Watauga rivers, not far trom the Watauga Oil Fields, where it was planned twenty years before the germ of the future Tennessee. Early Efforts. In 1772 Jacob Brown located on the north bank of the Nolichucky River. James Maury wrote at the time: "By Bedford Courthouse in one week 'tis said and I believe truly, near 300 inhabitants of this colony passed on their way to Carolina." [ 10] In The McGillivray Moment, President George Washington was worried that the Creek Nation was going to over inhabit the land to the west of the Mississippi river, also known as the land of America's future. The South Holston Tailwater is home . Fannin & Union County, Georgia & Tennessee & North Carolina Border Settlers. There were three main settlements in the area known as Watauga, Carter's Valley, and Nolichucky. A settlers' fort once located east of town, on the north bank of the South Fork Holston River, on a hill about two miles east on Island Park Road. The original house is constructed of logs, but was later weather boarded, ceiled, etc. an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Church in the Knob Creek settlement. When one thinks of Tennessee, the first thing that may come to mind is Nashville, the state capital. Boones Creek Christian Church started because of a controversy over the baptism of Fanny Renfro. Two sons of Noah Range were early settlers. he entertained with profusion rather than with plenty , without ?. In 1784, William Ellis purchased 325 on Boone's Creek. Court Minutes Book B-240 Peter and Elizabeth Range settled on Knob Creek in Washington County, Tennessee, in 1779. James B. When Governor William Blount came as territorial Governor in the fall of 1790 he established his official residence here. Add . By the early 1770s, four different communities had been established in northeastern Tennesseeon the Watauga River, the North Holston, the Nolichucky, and in Carter's Valley. White, Robert S. Shoaf, and Marvin H. Helbert Memorial Bridge, This page was last edited on 30 March 2022, at 16:45. Thank You so much for sharing your family history with us today. I will share much more details on this in future articles, such as the Cherokee attacks of 1776. Register And on Sept. 5 he stood on the shore of the Holston and readied for his next adventure: retracing the 1,000-mile river journey that changed the course of Tennessee history. The date of the coming of the Cobbs and Massengills is not known to the writer, but it was prior to 1775, probably several years before this date. Annexed from Rowan County in 1771, Surry has been an important county to the state of North Carolina, with particular regard to granite production and the historic Andy Griffith Show. of gun powder from the magazine in Halifax, for the defense of the District of Washington, and Mr. Christopher Dudley is hereby directed to furnish him with the same. In answer to your question, yes, Sullivan County was at one time Washington County. "By the early to mid-1740's settlers had carved a rough wagon road through the Shen- andoah Valley as far Southwest as the Holston River Valley in SWVA. Jonathan Tipton and Joseph Tipton (brothers of Colonel John Tipton) had moved to the area accompanied by their father, Jonathan, who was over seventy-five years of age.. Robertson brought 16 Regulator families across the mountains from North Carolina. All of the unsettled countries were believed to be part of Virginia. Enjoy Your Journey To The Past !! They could not buy the lands from the Indians, because the purchase was prohibited, but there was no law prohibiting a lease of the land, and in the year 1774, the Indians leased to the settlers on the Watauga the lands in the Watauga Valley and all was peace once again. He did a search for George Brown and came up with a George Brown in Illinois with the dates of 1752-1842. Thanks for any suggestions or info you might share. The John Miller-Adam Sell house was built in 1788 on Knob Creek. The settlers believed they had settled in Virginia. Roberta Tuller 2020 Once the museum is open, a three dimensional, interactive diorama will present the area and its points of . The main stem of the Holston is impounded by the Tennessee Valley Authority's Cherokee Dam near Jefferson City, Tennessee. The community was first known as Blue Plum. I wish you great success with your research. The settlers claimed that they were living on land that was part of Virginia, but a land survey showed that claim to be false. It then runs in a north westerly direction to its confluence with the North Fork at Kingsport. Hyder Julius Dugger and Andrew Greer were the first white men to settle in the Watauga Country. I understand completely where youre coming from. Perhaps you have heard about the Overmountain Men traveling party of 1779. 630-200 acres-Sullivan County-land lying on two entries made by Nathan Page, John Tate-#916, Book 76, pg. by Captain William Bean, and his wife Lydia. From there the river flows roughly southwestward, just north of Bays Mountain, until it reaches its confluence with the French Broad River just east of downtown Knoxville, Tennessee. It was a group of cabins arranged in a rectangle connected by stockade walls of sharp pointed poles. On March 25, 1775 the Watauga Purchase of the East Tennessee lands from the Cherokees was made. The Holston's confluence with the French Broad River at Knoxville marks the beginning of the Tennessee River. 10-240 acres-Washington County-on the North fork of Doe River, George Russel-#11989, Book 89, pg. According to Tennessee Valley Authority historians, when the Tennessee Valley Authority was created in 1933, Congress mandated that the TVA headquarters be located on the banks of the Tennessee River. Michael married for a second wife Hannah Torbett, and title rested in their son William Allen until hs death, and is still in his family, Mrs. Deborah Massengill Bayless, of Johnson City, being the present owner. The cards have been digitized and made available online. They traveled in small groups with other family members and friends. All three forks in Virginia, South Holston Lake, and the Holston River in Tennessee below the South Holston Dam offer relatively easy-to-reach recreation opportunities. It would be a stop and go sort of pace, much slower versus crossing land only in this particular area. Fort Watauga (or Caswell) was built at the Sycamore Shoals of the Watauga River in 17751776 by the Watauga Association, to defend settlers from Indian (primarily Cherokee) attacks, which were in part instigated by the British. This massive compilation contains genealogies of the early families of eastern and southeastern Kentucky, the section originally comprised of the counties of Floyd, Knox, Greenup, and Clay. I am very interested in early Washington County history since it is the location of the earliest document found on My 4th Great-Grandfather, Jeremiah Boyd, who was apparently living in the area and married there in 1811. Since the TVA headquarters were to be located in downtown Knoxville on what was then the Holston River, in order to fulfill the Congressional mandate the official start of the Tennessee River was moved upstream from Lenoir City to the confluence of the Holston and French Broad Rivers. TheCherokeewere indigenous people who lived in the southern Appalachian mountains. There was an immediate rush of settlement to the area, and Jackson, John Overton, and James Winchester soon founded Memphis. Sixteen counties were established by 1824. Security agreement. The Isar is a river in Tyrol, Austria, and Bavaria, Germany, which is not navigable for watercraft above raft size.Its source is in the Karwendel range of the Alps in Tyrol; it enters Germany near Mittenwald and flows through Bad Tlz, Munich, and Landshut before reaching the Danube near Deggendorf.At 295 km (183 mi) in length, it is the fourth largest river in Bavaria, after the Danube, Inn . The first five men appointed to administer the Watauga settlement were John Sevier, James Robertson, Charles Robertson, Zachariah Isbell, and John Carter. U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: North Fork Holston River, U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: South Fork Holston River, U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Holston River, Introduction to the Upper Tennessee River Basin, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Holston_River&oldid=1080160670, Articles with empty sections from April 2014, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, The Olen R. Marshall Bridge is one of two bridges to cross, Bridge does not have a name; final crossing over the main Holston River, Two sets of bridges over the River, connected by the, Two bridges over the river, connected by the, Sgt. The exodus from the land was dramatic. Early Settlers Resolved that John Carter be Colonel, John Sevier, Lieutenant Colonel, Charles Roberson 1st Major, and Jacob Womack, 2nd Major, for the District of Washington, and that commissions issued accordingly. The Saura were the original Native Americans to reside in present-day Surry, and the Great Wagon Road opened colonial settlement to the region in the early to mid-eighteenth century. This great road was the main entry into Kentucky from 1775 to 1800 when the population grew from a few hardy pioneers to 220,955. He came here from North Carolina, secured quite a boundary of land on the river, near the place first selected to build the Court House for Grayson county. Others include, Colonel John Tipton moved to the Watagua settlement in 1783. By May, 1785 they had petitioned to be admitted to the United States as the State of Franklin. pay 10 pounds per 100 acres. Washington, the oldest county of the state, allows the echoes of familiar sounds from the mockingbird and the bobwhite. The first settlers on pay 10 pounds per 100 acres. When the militia returned, ColonelJohn Sevier's men defeated the Cherokee atBoyd's Creek and destroyed most of the remaining towns. Sakowski, Carolyn. Nashville: The Tennessee Historical Commission, 1964. In regards to the time period you mentioned, many different routes were available from western SC to eastern TN. . Names associated with Loudon Fort are James Glenn, John William De Brahm, William Henry Littleton, John Elliott, John Stuart, William Richardson, Lt. James Adamson, William Richardson Davie, Henry Timberlake, Thomas Sumter and more whose names have been lost for now. assembled on the Sycamore Shoals of the Watauga to begin their march to the Battle of Kings Mountain. With its country music heritage, the old Ryman Auditorium and of course, Music Row, Nashville holds a high rank among others with history and genealogy. Some were German-born or the Pennsylvania-born children of German-speaking Protestant immigrants from the Palatinate and other areas bordering the Rhine River. Thank You so much for your kind words !! In 1784, William Ellis purchased 325 on Boones Creek. The first settlers on Carter's Valley(now Hawkins County) was named for a trader, John Carter, who later moved to the Watauga Settlement where he was prominent in its affairs. which does show the route as far as Fort Prince George. Early Travels in the Tennessee Country, 1540-1800. When the war began, Virginian settlers had established communities stretching from the Holston River valley (now mostly in Tennessee) to the western "district" of Augusta County (now primarily southwestern Pennsylvania) and the colony had every intention of asserting its claims. The Wilderness Road Blockhouse. The Holston, New River and Greenbrier settlements were practically abandoned. In 1771, Colonel James Robinson, side of Boones Creek in Washington County from William Ellis for 50 "current money.". As I have a brick wall ancestor who was born about 1798 in SE TN (west of Chattanooga) to parents who he says were born in SC, I am curious about potential routes from upcountry SC to SE TN and wonder if the road to Fort Loudon and then possibly by water would have been plausible at the end of the 18th century? recognize the deeds' validity and continued to make grants in the John Nicholas (1753) and Margaretha Mottern were from Berks County Pennsylvania. There was once a post office located at the house, "Rocky Mount," but I have not been able to ascertain when this was established. Data By their presence, those early settlers saved the west for the United States. Little Limestone were Robert and James Allison. ATTN: JMHS-AO. Luttrell, L., Creekmore, P., & Creekmore, P. (1943). The second attack was stopped at Fort Watauga. His servants, his rooms his grounds, were all at their bidding. Franklin, Banks & Stephens County, Georgia Settlers. Resolved, That Col. John Carter be supplied with 200 wt. 9-400 acres-Washington County-on a branch near Great Nobb Licks, Samuel Harris-#10, Book 36, pg. I would not rule out water passage in this area, but I would not think it would be plausible from point A to final destination. In writing of these families It is necessary to confine myself, with few Exceptions, to the first or pioneer members, as even a partial genealogy would be greatly beyond the limits of this article. In the upper reaches, some of these plants are controlled by private interests; in the downstream portion, they are owned by the United States Government's Tennessee Valley Authority. On September 25, 1780, the Overmountain Men Change). The request was denied. on farms nearby. The North Carolinians rebuffed them and this signaled the end of the State of Franklin. The stories associated with these trails as well as the people who traveled them will be discovered and shared. Read More. Other families followed such as Samuel Masenngill, Henry Masengill, Julius Dugger and Andrew Greer. A Committee of Safety was organized and during the spring of 1776, Virginia was asked to annex the area. Samuel Weaver purchased 600 acres on Little Limestone creek (#629) about 1784. Greer, They could not buy the lands from the Indians, because the purchase was prohibited, but there was no law prohibiting a lease of the land, and in the year 1774, the Indians leased to the settlers on the Watauga the lands in the Watauga Valley and all was peace once again. From western SC to eastern Tn many, it may help me to locate city! New towns down the Little Tennessee River, George Russel- # 11989, Book,... 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holston river valley settlers

holston river valley settlers