how to handle misbehaving students

Some of the experiences I’ve had make teaching look like one of the worst jobs a person could have, but I know it could be different. They have gotten over on you, dumb teacher! Thank you very much for all the excellent articles. I can’t really call the class to order, because they tend to ignore my signals, and I can’t make lessons more interesting, because I’m not extremely familiar with the regular teacher’s lesson plan, and, sometimes, I don’t know the subject matter being taught. H Michael, I’ve tried everything I can think of and nothing is working. I was ready to quit after ten years of teaching. Lisa W. Your question is what we do here at Smart Classroom Management. No one wants to lose the focus of the lesson by spending more time on dealing with poor behaviour than on the teaching and learning, but neither can we as teachers allow lessons to be hijacked. Separate a student from the rest of the class. Here’s a step-by-step plan. I’d be happy to discuss it during a personal coaching session—if, that is, you have other pressing questions or issues you’d like to tackle as well. Instead, though, I routinely face situations where I feel more like I’m a referee than an educator. I am really struggling with my class. I’m hoping that despite my new methods, I’ll still be likable, but with a dream class. They function around a Pre-Kindergarten level with a lot of getting into each other’s business and whining. In a classroom setting, you’ll often find that the noisemakers and stubborn elements tend to sit at the back of the class, which offers anonymity and gives confidence to misbehave. Be Proactive. I am 4’5″. They know what is expected, but they simply do not care. If a student is becoming dangerous, you may need to separate him or her for the safety of others. So how now do I reverse it? Here is an article that explains how: Losing Control . How To Handle Students Who Make Classmates Laugh, How To Handle Students Who Don't Do Any Work, 5 Teaching Practices I'm Kicking to the Curb | Cult of Pedagogy. I’m working on an article for teachers like yourself who only see their students only once a week. You must have a classroom management plan. Do i use the same that you have shown to us? Thanks. Managing noise levels during independent/group work is a topic on my future articles list. Help make the line between right and wrong clear to them. Thank you very, very much. Besides having clear policies or rules in place, you should be the first to practice what you preach. I don’t think i have that commanding sort of voice and sometimes i regret going into the teaching profession. You can effectively reduce student misbehavior by giving effective single-action commands. 2. . Behavior Barriers Team 3. I guess that after nine years in the classroom, I know how right you are. how do I handle this please without flouting the school rule of no hitting a child in school. By meeting the student's need on your terms, you may stop the behavior from even occurring. If students can resolve conflict void of any teacher involvement, then that frees you to do the one million other tasks that teachers always have on their to do list. It’s on the list of future topics. Hi – I am excited to start this fall thinking of your writings. Remain calm yet firm when addressing the misbehaving student. I’ve never had such an open and hostile display of behavior. Dear Michael, I am a teaching assistant who sees each class in a school once a week. 2. I would like to receive classroom management tips but I can’t get the link to work. I don’t know where to turn or what to do next. They aren’t bothered by it. “Waiting” for them to give me their attention does not work – their classroom teacher has said it doesn’t work for her either. Black Dot, White Square. We are now almost near the end of the teaching year and the grade 8’s behaviour has gotten from bad to worse. Teachers need to work at this because the more positive attention students receive, the less apt they are to look for attention negatively. I’ve tried announcing during the first week, “If I can’t tell, too bad. This class had a teacher for about 6 weeks, then he left and they had a sub for a few, then they got another teacher, but he left after a few weeks, then another sub, then they got me. There is no classroom without flare-ups and tantrums, so your ability to handle them will reduce misbehavior significantly. You can learn how to implement a CMP in the most effective way by visiting the Classroom Management Plan category of the archive (bottom right sidebar). You’re also at the mercy of the regular teacher and how effective they are. If you do not raise the tone of voice, encourage the student not to do. Sitting such students at the opposite end of the room, somewhere close to the teacher’s desk, makes them easily stand out and deters such actions. In the black dot, white square idea the black dot represents the misbehaviour and the white square represents good behaviour. When I started teaching eight years ago I became a Harry Wong fanatic, taking cues and advice from his books. “Now that’s how to do it!”. Further Reading: How to Regain Classroom Control When Students Are Loud and Unruly Obviously I’m a big joke. We don’t have support from the parents. Meet with the student before class and ask them to help you with a special job. As I go down the lists, I check off all the things that I’m doing and find that I’ve done them all. It’s important to your effectiveness as a teacher to be able to get your students’ attention any time you need it. Hi Michael, They don’t give a d*%$#. So the moment you notice your class going off the rails, stop them in their tracks. The majority of the children sit and wait for instructions, but the problem i have is that two or three boys will wander or start attacking another one physically, so i have to get up and deal with that behaviour and then another group starts up again. They don’t seem too worried about any of the consequences – even phoning parents. It’s classes like these though that drive me to the edge of insanity and make me question my career choice. Step 3: Wait.. I had 13 assigned lunch detention today and 4 write ups. How do I change my behavior so I can change their behavior? This idea focuses on keeping things in perspective. Any ideas? Take your time, proceed slowly, and be exceedingly clear. Done right, and with experience, this type of incentive can be very effective. Calling out students in front of the class rarely proves helpful. Your plan is the foundation from which you can start building a successful, hardworking classroom. Sometimes the issue will be out of the scope of what a teacher can handle, so coordinating the student with a professional may be necessary. It’s May, and I feel like a failure. This year my kindergarten inclusion class is full of very interesting personalities that we have worked very hard with to create a respectful community.They do a great job for the most part when I am there. Over the last few months it has become evident that the students in this class know what is expected of them but just fail to follow through. Say you notice twelve, fifteen, or more students talking and goofing around during a lesson or in the middle of a transition. And, although you never—or rarely—have to revisit them again during the year, they do need to be backed up with action. Of course, deal with the disruptive behavior of that student – whether they are being goaded on or not, it’s still unacceptable to lash out. I have the problem that my students are used to being talked over by teachers, many of whom use a microphone, and that some of my co-teachers will even talk over them in my lessons. Because you teach one period a day to these students, my best recommendation is to read Classroom Management for Art, Music, and PE Teachers. Any suggestions for Monday, when the rest of the class WILL see me skip ahead to parent contact as a consequence of a whole class mutiny. Try using a personal rather than a work email and that should solve the problem. It’s okay to have fun with your new group but don’t overdo it. Take care! And you have a warning! I’ll read the article you posted for her. This is already on the list of future topics. Calling out students in front of the class rarely proves helpful. That person could be someone going through the same life experiences or simply a non-authoritative figure. Yes, in December. Although I don’t recommend “do this and get that” incentives or rewards for regular education teachers, I do for subs. Turn off their camera, mute themselves, and then go on their phone to play video games or message with friends. Of course, following my advice doesn’t mean that your children will never misbehave, or that all of their problematic behaviors are a response to stress. “You have a warning! Let your students know that virtually always you will see the student after class or during a more private moment and it will be then that you will either give a consequence or otherwise figure out a solution with the student… For students or children who regularly misbehave, it can be challenging to find something positive to say. I really don’t know what to do. Give yourself 30 seconds or more to upload into your memory the unwanted behavior taking place. The whole area just has to suffer if the perp won’t be honest.” That hasn’t worked too well: They just gang up to make it work in their favor. I’m an very likable teacher who has been ‘my favorite teacher’ for hundreds of students. One class of Grade 6 and 7 students, however, has been very up and down. I became a teacher because I wanted to and I stay a teacher because I love what I do. Yes, I got your article on don’t stay after school. Your post reminds us of the value of consistent routines that are persistently reinforced. Rather, ask him/her to see you after the lesson, when you can look to find out the underlying reason behind the behavior. Questions that boil down to how one manages an unruly classroom are addressed in the 230+ articles on the website. If you are capable of giving effective warnings, you will effectively prevent student misbehavior. How can I deal with the misbehaviour students? thanks ! The 2 asst principals will not step foot in my classroom (they know I have one of the hardest jobs in the school) and seem to have no interest in helping me save these at-risk students. This is only my second week with them, but I am already extremely frustrated with them. The misbehavior I encounter as a sub, though, is discouraging. Dangling the lure of incentives to students often gives them that push to, not only steer clear of rule infringements, but put their best foot forward. Students Are Restless/Get Out of Seat. I won’t give up on these kids! Hi, I just landed a new teaching job in 3rd grade. I’ve tried all the tricks in countless articles with temporary improvement. . When the activity is over, don’t make a big fuss, but be sure and acknowledge the good work. It will be published on another website in a few weeks. All I need right now is an encouraging word to keep doing what works. It’s enough to drive one mad. It is recommended that the child perceives security in the adult who imposes corrective measures with a firm but non-threatening tone. They swear, talk back and never do their work. The paper tries to define and classify classroom misbehaviour, and then attempts to generally analyse the main reasons that cause students misbehaviour in the classroom from three aspects: the students, the teacher and the society, then according to the seriousness of misbehaviour it gives some suggestions of appropriate steps to control the problem effectively, from preventing to punishment, to build good … This generally involves filling out a standardized form referring the student to the principal, vice-principal, or another … Calm, impassive, unflappable. I feel I made a tiny tiny incremental improvement, but am nowhere near where I want to be with this talking over me. Create nonverbal reminders to let … Walk over to the student and use body language -- such as eye contact -- and voice tone to show your disapproval. I have been firm but in her eyes I am not firm enough I am to lax and easy. Logging on to the class session, merrily greet their teacher during roll call, set an alarm for the end of class, and promptly fall asleep. The problem is that whenever I am out and there’s a substitute they behave TERRIBLY ! ‘how to sit in your chair during class.’ It was exhausting however. I do many of the things you suggest, but I have trouble with consequences. Use Nonverbal Cues. I took over today, did exactly what I am supposed to do after reading your articles over and over. f. Additional Guidance for addressing student misbehavior in the learning space may be found on i. Restorative & Trauma Informed Considerations ii. I wish you would have answered Tracy’s comment above because that sounds like my 6th period class. Yes, yes, yes. Effective classroom management is knowledge based. I’ve never felt this way before. You can also make classroom activities so engaging that students don’t want to disrupt what is happening. If you reprimand students for lateness, for example, be early every day. How would you handle this situation? How to Handle the Top 4 Issues ... On top of the actual misbehavior, you fear that he’ll make a bad name for himself—that his reputation as a troublemaker will follow him from grade to grade. What Happened to Common Sense in Education? If I understand what you’re asking, I wrote an article for art, music, and PE teachers on The Art Of Education website. I am a first year teacher teaching 3rd grade. To fix the problem, you have to go back to the beginning. The teacher approaches the off-task student to remind him/her of the specific academic task the student should be doing. I purchased Dream Class and will read it before starting the school year. Stay tuned! But detailed reteaching and accountability is the only answer. I know I didn’t go to college just to wind up as a glorified babysitter. If you have specific questions, please email me. In the meantime, yes, I think the above strategy will help. But a … Be calm, smile, pause a lot, wait a lot, keep it simple. I appreciate the power of the “awkward pause” but I’m naturally quite expressive so I’m curious what the appropriate demeanour would be while waiting for students to discover their “ah-ha” moment (as in, where should my eyes be looking, what kind of tone should my face show, etc.). A useful post full of your customary common sense. Besides, they want to show the rest of the class how they can turn you into mush! Thanks for all your help. And…”, Should you raise your voice and remind them of what they should be doing? But could our habits as teachers lead to more student misbehavior? It is designed to stop misbehaving students from interfering with classroom activities. I have them 3rd block, right after lunch when they are all hyped up. As soon as you’re happy with how they’re performing, move on with your day. Im looking for someone who can help me with new ideas. So when contemplating the issue at hand – how to handle misbehaving students – the approach must take account of a complex landscape of interactions and nuances. I absolutely love it! If a student is physically lashing out, you need to keep the other students safe. My best advice is to spend time in our archive learning and then applying our principles and strategies. I deal with most issues on my own (I would have no students left if I pursued too much administration assistance). Yes, this is more difficult with another teacher in the room and with students who have developed bad habits. You don’t have the time to build rapport and leverage like a regular education teacher, making things much more difficult. I’ve been reading through your articles, and they’ve all been very informative. There is a lot at work here, with too many variables to give you quick and accurate advice. For years, I’ve helped most of my students improve. Sorry, but I work as a substitute teacher, and I have NO IDEA how to get control of some of the classes whose teachers I sit in for. However, it should only be because of the excitement and nervousness of wanting to do well. It’s like Miss Nelson Is Missing 2.0 !! Resist the urge to jump in and stop the misbehavior right away. Okay. I have been told that I “let my students walk all over me” that I “don’t have control of my class” and I am trying to be “their friend not their teacher”. They talk it up first thing in the morning (or period) and save it until the end. Children of Trauma. Thank you in advance for your help, and thank you for your website and books. Before you straight away label any action as bad behavior, first get to the root of the matter. There are some battles we simply have to win by shutting things down and starting over. I feel like a failure, because I even had to have a whole class sit down quietly for 3 minutes. So when you’re telling a student to do so and is looking away or down at the ground, it might have something to do with that. One of the keys of effective classroom management is to never move on unless your students are giving you what you want. Otherwise he is good about dealing with negative attitudes and disruptions all the fight... The major challenge of one ninth grade administrator how: Losing control you can effectively reduce student misbehavior the... Start building a successful, hardworking classroom the inner city behavior is the only thing can... Only be because of the class how they 're doing fun with your day counting! For students to believe you week with them temporary improvement behaviour management continue. Meeting the student broke and how effective they are sorry then immediately go back poor! 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