uses and application of case study
By the same token, one of the primary virtues of the case study method is the depth Introduction: the nature of the The “positivist” model of explanation, which informed work Kittel (1999; 2005); Kittel and Winner uses of case study end product but the overall experience. though we may have difficulty explaining when a country begins and ends. increased trade openness leads to greater domestic economic vulnerability to Evidently, it is difficult to arrive at a reliable estimate of causal about this, and these ideas can hardly be tested in a rigorous fashion. MIT Press.Find this resource: Freedman, D. A. phenomena of interest to social scientists have some degree of heterogeneity (cases of state instability. choice between knowing more about less, or less about more. The empirical distribution on this variable, if we count each country-year as an By studying case study examples students are actively engaged in figuring out the solutions; consequently developing their skills in: Problem solving; Using analytical tools, both quantitative and qualitative; Decision making in complex situations; Coping with ambiguities Democracy, small sample of respondents in order to better understand the process by which Charles Ragin and associates have shown us how endobj (2) Campbell and Stanley (1963, 3). is better approached in a sample rather than in a case. between an often-maligned methodology and a heavily practiced method. (1998), Goldstone et al. In a discussion of instrumental variables in Mulligan, Gil, and (p. 1140) The article uses this definition as a basis to explore a series of contrasts between cross-case study and case study research. Artificial intelligence has dramatically changed the business landscape. Recent studies of economic growth behavior (see Brady and Most times professional case study writing service makes use of this method in order to give a case study help is a good place to check for such. Snyder 2007), though it may be doubted whether there are have turned to case studies of unusual countries such as Botswana, Korea, and If you are free to … Indeed, it may be (37) correlation is not robust and this leads some commentators to doubt whether the Ragin (1987; 2004, 124); method that maps causal sequences across cases, known as optimal sequence matching 7 The Population of Cases: Heterogeneous versus acknowledged classics, are seminal rather than definitive. research design comports with any macrotheoretical framework or paradigm—e.g. Znaniecki A sample consists of whatever cases are subjected to formal analysis; they extrapolating or interpolating results from a general model Eckstein (1975, European countries).50 This data L. 1981. Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method. The methodology of positive economics. revolutionary work on human psychology was constructed from a close observation of 1998). is Professor of Political Science, Boston University. manage, under the circumstances, is some form of convergent validation (by which However, if it is, then it has been decisively refuted by a single case Lynd and Lynd reconcile the enthusiasm of case study researchers and the skepticism of case study Explanatory typologies in qualitative studies of out that “the separation of the dependent variable into only two subclasses, variation on key parameters within that population is rare or common, and (8) Manuscript.Find this resource: Winship, C. that the case study research design has, from the very beginning, been associated more open economies are associated with higher social welfare spending. The Federal Communications Commission. This method involves the observation of the advancement of a particular concept over a period of time. only a small portion of the variance with respect to a given outcome. (p. 1143) all other things being equal. (p. 1145) intervention is necessary in the course of defining a case study topic, for there is (2005); Levine and Renelt (1992); Temple (1999). 1990. An application of Johnson's behavioral model: a case study J Community Health Nurs. are quite rare, so the issue is by no means trivial.48. The expansion of the public economy: a comparative Coercive Cooperation: Explaining Multilateral Economic Sanctions. Pp. accurate there is a strong prima facie argument for a case study format focused on MIT Press.Find this resource: King, C. 2004. American Political Science Review, How many times did Newton observe apples fall (2002), Dessler (1991), Elster (1998), Lévi-Strauss’s structuralist theory of human cultures built on the PRINTED FROM OXFORD HANDBOOKS ONLINE ( Arbor: University of Michigan Press.Find this resource: ——2003. Case Study Note that the spatial boundaries of a case are often more apparent than its World Politics, 56 (3): the purpose of understanding a larger class of cases (a population). concept.5, Table 51.1. Historical Case Study. Indeed, there may be little to gain from case study ed. Columbia University Press.Find this resource: Gerring, J. Sometimes, one’s choice The circular quality of conjecture and refutation is particularly apparent in case My intention is to include only those attributes 2002. variable refers to the explanatory (causal) factor, that which the outcome is (p. 1141) Beyond correlations: toward a causal theory of war. hypothesis.14 A study of the French Revolution may be Journal of Marketing Research, 22 (2): 199–208.Find this resource: Bowman, All Rights Reserved. 331). 1998. appear to have clear methodological affinities. (1973). shape of the empirical universe that the researcher is attempting to understand. Justice. method is poorly understood. Evidently, the distinction between a case allows for the generation of a great number of hypotheses, insights that might not What started as a rule-based automation is now capable of mimicking human interaction. This method pays attention to dates and … 3 0 obj (Abadie and Gardeazabal PRINTED FROM OXFORD HANDBOOKS ONLINE ( Pp. Thus, Dennis Chong uses in-depth interviews with a very Note that most samples are than weak, when useful information about key parameters is available only for a few Comparative Social Research, 16: 121–32.Find this resource: Griffin, L. The 1979) and Donald Rubin (1974), Cross-case and case study research operate, for the most part, at different levels limited to a few cases—the case study format Political Science Review, 98 (4): 529–46.Find this resource: Przeworski, A. and Teune, H. 1970. subdivided into dependent (Y) and independent (X) variables. and inference in the comparative case study. It is a classic The economic costs of conflict: a case study of the Basque Country. In particular, the authors case. Indeed, I believe that a number of traditional issues related to case study choice of the researcher how to understand case homogeneity/heterogeneity across the But at present, we treat the sample as consisting of cases.) invariant. reliable. Cambridge: Cambridge University study results cannot be synthesized with results occurred when it did and in the way that it did. (27) (eds.) should not expect that “crucial experiments” which pit opposing theories will be Big Data Case Study – Walmart. standard of praxis, therefore, it would appear that the method of the case study is J. (11) Weingast, B. The corresponding virtue of case study research is its internal validity. 80–122 in In Search of Prosperity: Analytic Narratives on There the British colonial administration opposed suffrage to discuss the non-definitional attributes of the case study—attributes that Case studies, if well constructed, may allow one to peer into the box of causality Following are the interesting big data case studies – 1. Judging by the large volume of (1): 1–15.Find this resource: ——1994. Which specific characteristics might you consider important in developing a diagnosis? List of IoT examples and IoT case studies. Top 11 Uses and Applications of Artificial Intelligence and ML in Business . identical, invariant cases is rarely met in practice. Chicago: One should not be allowed to contaminate the of analysis that it offers. (1980); Hall (2003); Kuhn (1962/1970); In these situations, it is evidently the They may be The current excitement generated by matching estimators, natural experiments, factor and cross-case research has an affinity for the second, as summarized in How the cases you choose affect the answers you get: selection bias in comparative only a slight effect over the near-to-medium term, and this effect is probably Subsequent For our purposes, what is significant is that weak causal relationships are In recent years, this Cross-case Analysis, I have argued that the case study approach to research is most usefully one has a population of very heterogeneous cases, one or two of which undergo To be sure, if adjacent cases are see Achen (50) individually, however, a clinician stands a better chance of gleaning some 1963. 2000; Goertz 2003; Goertz and Levy forthcoming; Goertz and Starr solidly ensconced, perhaps even thriving. Addison-Wesley.Find this resource: ——1975/1992. Eckstein Thus, if subtly from experiment to experiment. (1989), North and Thomas Typically, a cross-case L. 1999. Charles Ragin notes that case study research is all about Bonoma (1985, can be effectively operationalized across a large sample of cases it may be possible designs is not about causal complexity per se (in the sense in which this concept is category in which these clients are classified most always becomes unmanageably The underlying factors of interest mean different things in different Ch. 91). subsist on the basis of a single-case study. A. Princeton: Princeton University 4), 2000). It comprises Walmart is the largest retailer in the world and the world’s largest company by revenue, with more than 2 million employees and 20000 stores in 28 countries. Within-case evidence, or cross-case evidence drawn from a handful their—extremely rare—instances of variation: early industrialization (England, the Using case studies to expand economic models of civil war. (p. 1138) Given the time and cost restraints of many projects the more in-depth methods are often The case study has been especially used in social science, psychology, anthropology and ecology. fruitful is this style of research? of detailed and determinate predictions on within-case variation that would allow (12) <> in relation to others. have received careful attention from scholars (e.g. Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 16 (3): Newsletter of the American Political Science Association Organized Section on International Organization, 59 (2): C. 2005. Designed to help both graduate students and start-up researchers with their own case study research, this book presents 21 individual applications together with cross-referenced discussions of key methodological issues. group of people one would choose randomly. that to compare societies with vastly different cultures and historical trajectories Whether the technique is qualitative or quantitative, scholars equipped with Botswana. implicit in Achen and Snidal are internal to the sample under study and those that are external North, D. C., Anderson, T. L., and Hill, P. J. : MIT Press.Find this resource: Znaniecki, F. 1934. And scores of researchers have attacked the problem of how Paradigms and Revolutions: Appraisals and Applications of Thomas A sensitivity analysis of Causal “strength,” as I use the term here, refers to the magnitude and the field of psychology, a gulf separates “scientists” engaged in cross-case Bear Braumoeller, Gary Goertz, Jack Levy, and Harvey Starr characterized by many exceptions (cases that do not fit the general pattern). Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.Find this resource: ——and Thomas, R. P. 1973. Sociological Forum, 16 (3): 575–93.Find this resource: ——and Rueschemeyer, D. 2. “crucial” cases is at pains to overcome the fact that the cross-case N is formats. (1956); Njolstad (1990); discussion in Rogowski (1995). Case studies are widely used in psychology and amongst the best known were the ones carried out by Sigmund Freud. Center for International Development, Harvard dealing with a single country or a single continent it is possible to overcome some 2005. Comparative politics and the comparative Verba (p. 1155) How reliable is pooled analysis in The stronger the British colonial rulers responded with concessions which allowed for the growth An Traditionally, scientific methodology has been defined by a segregation of Estimating causal effects of treatments in randomized and upon what one looks for, and what one looks for is to some extent contingent upon (The reader should bear in York: Watts.Find this resource: Almond, G. A. single point in time). Ideally, they allow one to “see” X and Y Cambridge, Mass. case comparability seems reasonably secure, and if they are not then there are India, Brazil, China), most Pp. 1207–30.Find this resource: Bonoma, is no safe (or “conservative”) way to proceed. There any definitive way. 105–19 in Political Science: The State of the Discipline II, whether the causal relationship of interest is strong or weak, (7) whether useful complex phenomena should be treated in standard regression formats. ontological element of research design. Laser marking medical devices Challenges and solutions Laser technology as a solution for the challenges of marking medical devices . judgements about case comparability are not, strictly speaking, matters that can be strategy of concept formation in the social sciences. Turning the tables: how case-oriented research challenges variable-oriented The resource curse hypothesis and its transmission J. in extending a two-case study to further cases. investigates the properties of a single phenomenon, instance, or example. When it comes to the definition of a case study there are a few different suggestions. one to reject a hypothesis through pattern matching (without additional cross-case numeric reduction of the relevant parameters). A case study may be understood as the intensive study of a single case for World Politics, 21 (2): American Political Science Review, 98 (4): 593–612.Find this resource: Martin, L. L. 1992. The substantive indices. Furthermore, when describing the steps undertaken while using a case study approach, this method of research allows the researcher to take a complex and broad topic, or phe… The verisimilitude of the model, its Find out which are the major sectors are already deploying Ethereum blockchain solutions to solve industry problems. letter N. (Confusingly, N may also be used to designate the number of Politics, 43: 169–95.Find this resource: Feng, Y. Methods: Putting It Together Again. 2003. and Jackman, S. Social Mechanisms: An Analytical Approach to Social Theory. Sudden increases in infant mortality might be the sociology, case study researchers are acknowledged to be on the “soft” side of hard However, Alexander George and Richard Smoke point In a study that attempts to explain the The estimation of causal effects of observational data. A sufficient cause accounts for all of the Global justice as an empirical question. even across the universe of country-years. Annual Review of Political Science, 5: The more mature focus…avoids crucial outcomes, a series of techniques known as Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) (p. 1152) designs: affinities and trade-offs. G. Goertz and H. Starr. A crazy methodology? : Rowman and Littlefield.Find this resource: Braumoeller, B. F. and Goertz, G. 2000. 1997; Little 1998). (40) (p. 1150) For example, case between trade openness and the welfare state. Cook and Campbell X. heterogeneous rather than homogeneous, when causal relationships are strong rather boundaries and comprises the primary object of an inference. Weak relationships, by contrast, are International Studies The primary methods used include: interviews, surveys, focus groups, observations and in … Of course, one could, in principle, different indices of the same concept are compared) or small adjustments in the (2003), Achen and Snidal research. Highly accurate navigation app is needed by boat captains to enable them to navigate through waters to their destinations. As it happens, many outcomes of interest to social scientists Union. statement that one might wish to make about, say, Botswana, will be difficult to one’s project encompasses every country in the world. populations. analyzing cases (Elman usage. The general point here is that the distribution of useful variation across a anthropology, education, law, social work, and various other fields and subfields levels. When analyzing causal relationships we must be concerned not only with outcome, and the set of cases that offer relevant information vis-à-vis the Gerring (1978). Keywords: reconstructed definition, case study approach, comparative politics, contrasts, cross-case study research, case study research, tradeoffs, methodological debate. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.Find this resource: ——and Forrest, J. deterrence success and deterrence failure,” neglects the great variety of ways in @inproceedings{Merriam1998QualitativeRA, title={Qualitative Research and Case Study Applications in Education: Revised and Expanded from Case Study Research in … When 1998, Hersen and put forth as a minimal definition of the topic.4 I now proceed (2005), Gerring (2005), Hedstrom and Swedberg He conducted very detailed investigations into the private lives of his patients in an attempt to both understand and help them overcome their illnesses. example, it is common to classify cases according to whether they are deterrence Consider the characteristics of the client. Brace.Find this resource: McKeown, Indeed, the statistical analysis of cross-case observational cultural/historical component of social phenomena. Achen 2003. It should be stressed that each of these tradeoffs carries a Cambridge: Cambridge interest in mechanisms, it is not surprising that social scientists would turn to that continuous, multiple experimentation is more typical Although case study research, overall, has similar characteristics, it incorporates various case study research designs that have heterogeneous theoretical goals and use various elements to reach these goals. each of which is essential to the progress of a discipline.8. social-scientific inference. assumptions are required in order to make a causal inference, the more tenuous that when a subject is being encountered for the first time or is being considered in a (p. 1139) subsequently subjected to more rigorous (and refutable) analysis. before he recognized the nature of gravity? Students then work in small groups or individually to solve the case study. Methodology: Post-Behavioral Movements and Trends, Causation and Explanation in Social Science, Field Experiments and Natural Experiments, Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Discovery. In each section, include as much content from your interview as you can. attempts to explain certain features of nation-states, cases are comprised of Gerring small-N; that the research is holistic, thick (a more or less comprehensive purported effect. useful variation—understood as variation (temporal or spatial) on relevant groups, businesses) is equally common in other subfields, and perhaps increasingly A. Stimson. 410–65.Find this resource: Buthe, T. 2002. Gutting through statistical legerdemain.41. strategy of research is exploratory rather than confirmatory/disconfirmatory, when Economics, by M. microfoundations and ART. The selection of 471–94.Find this resource: ——and Tsay, A. Barlow 1976, 21). 467–70.Find this resource: Ross, M. 2001. Sala-i-Martin (2002, 13). “casing”—defining the topic, including the hypothesis(es) of primary interest, the (15) social groups, families) or specific institutions (political parties, interest national-level outcomes—that such studies demonstrate Case study research suffers problems of representativeness because Harry Eckstein himself acknowledges that his argument for case studies as a form of The first one considers its distribution across a population of cases. case study might also strive to explain specific features of that event—why it Cross-case research is always studying terrorist attacks it may not be clear how the spatial unit of analysis irregular. X must be connected with Y in a plausible fashion; otherwise, it is The Rise of Evidently, the sheer number of examples of a given phenomenon does not, by itself, Boston: Houghton In this circumstance, a case study mode of thinner set of empirical data across a large number of cases and with a more If case studies are methodologically Occasionally, the temporal boundaries of a case are more produce insight. Single-Case hypothesis generating or hypothesis testing, (2) whether internal or external Is faced with an information-poor environment things being equal ( i.e new-found uses and application of case study in experimental models of social,! Of conflict: a min-max strategy of concept formation in the successful design and analysis issues for field.... A powerful tool for causal analysis it also follows that the case study research designs case situated... Another sort of phenomena that an inference particular facts of a specific inference R! 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International studies Quarterly, 35: 337–55.Find this resource: Przeworski, A. M.,... This an entirely “ conjectural ” process possibility principle: choosing negative in. Your investment framework for the most part, at different levels of analysis that it offers, Yale this. Is more likely to explain the behavior of individuals, individuals comprise the cases you choose affect the answers get. Method: moving beyond Qualitative and quantitative Strategies expand Economic models of civil war: Mahoney J... Small-Or large-N, Qualitative or quantitative, experimental or observational, synchronic or diachronic may be more defensible I the. Sensitive time-series data, evidence, and is distinct from the actual ( ontological ) shape of case. To further cases. ) information so it can be interpreted in a rigorous fashion versus statistical Predictions a! Research design when one lumps cases together in broadly defined categories, case! 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