how to respond to a classmates post examples For this assignment, make sure you post your initial response to theDiscussion Area by Saturday, April 9, 2016. Please i need help on the below discussion post, how do I respond to it? For each response, focus on one point and include supporting evidence. Typically, the motto is spending all the money, or the budget will get cut next year. Online discussions are an integral part of online classes. If you are nervous, try looking above the heads of the students instead of making direct eye contact. Fill the Order Form: Include all instructions and files for your assignment. The biggest part of this is that there is the assumption that someone is going to physically look sad. The angle you seek to expound on should build the conversation. If you look at most receipts from big box stores that could be considered unpaid research as the company is advertising surveys to gather data for the company. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Dig deeper into the topic and ideas to gain further understanding and insight into the thoughts and perspectives of others. However, ensure that you answer the, How to respond to a discussion post on Blackboard. The following steps illustrates the entire process. Write a paper on why growth mindsets are beneficial to the population so that it can have a general application to the real world. The technology keeps envolving day to day, so we have to keep are ears and eye wide open to keep up with . Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. You've taken quite a few steps already, you've logged on, read some messages and posted your own. Ive also seen co-workers use others work to teach classes while never crediting the original author for the material being used. You won't see your classmates face-to-face, but discussions are still a part of online classes. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. I am a Human Resource Management major and this is my first class at SNHU. Write an essay based on the importance of discipline for students. Also, the discussion responses contribute to your overall performance in the online discussion as the discussion posts you put up. In Korea, adolescent boys are more likely to be sexually active and to have sexual experience than girls but the overall rate of adolescent sexual activity is low relative to other countries; as a result, Korean adolescents are less likely to be exposed to HIV (Sohn and Park, 2012). Note: This is an example discussion forum response. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Autor: . Students should thus use simple language to respond to a discussion post. Link your post to course content. The responses to collegues should be structured in the following way. Identify/define and state the significance of the following eight terms. Policy Formulation American Exceptionalis Why did the election of 1860 trigger secession of the Deep South states? Ethical considerations are important in research because if there are a history of unethical companies or people, it can create confusion if the research is accurate. Always confirm page length (word count) before submitting. Maintenance of group attitudes over time and situation. The discussion page displays all the discussions in the course. My take on them is that they try and foster this "in a classroom" feel that would naturally occur if you attended in person. Non-Plagiarized Papers Our Ordering Process To get started with our Homework Writing Help, simply click on the ORDER NOW button. With multiple discussion posts on the discussion board, students need to know how to respond to a discussion post to make a meaningful conversation. We Can do an Original Paper for you! Do y imagine that you are a clinician and you have been presented with the following information: Case: Rachel has been caugh . For me, the stereotype of feeling sad all the time and wanting to be in bed is still accurate in my case but staying in bed isn't something I ever really act on and my presentation generally comes across as a happy person. Thanks! Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Filed in Education by TMLT Editorials on January 18, 2022. Discuss evidence-based tools you could implement to evaluate your future practice. 3. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. You simply explained the various characteristics that the Homo sapiens have such as the color of the skin, shape and the type of hair. Discussion boards are meant to be conversations, where each post builds on the previous comment. However, conducting effective peer reviews requires careful planning on the part of the instructor because, if done poorly, it can cause more harm than good. Resnick, D. B. It is important to keep length requirements in mind, limiting the scope of your response, so it will remain clear, focused, and relevant to the topic at hand. Social identity salience shapes group-based emotions through group-based appraisals. You may even set a reminder for yourself to check for new posts and respond to them. Choose who to respond to first. Retrieved February 1, 2023, from Yes shows that you agree with the idea of the author. Learners may incorporate anecdotal evidence as well as research. When reading, try to get the connection between real-life and the text you are reading. This is super easy, most forums have a tick box. The objective participant will have a true interest in the purpose of the research and believe in the importance of the end goal of the research. Please note that you can also rate the writer's work in your account. The three ways to give constructive responses are as follows: When you are disagreeing with a particular idea in a post or comment, you should do so with respect. Responses should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question, typically 150-250 words in length. In fact I was very happy with the way you addressed different issues in the essay. Reflection Models Firstly, making statements like "I completely agree with you!" or "Good post" is an absolute no-no. That implies that there is no doubt you will write multiple discussion posts. How is paid research as opposed to unpaid research viewed? Yes, through email and messages, we will keep you updated on the progress of your paper. treats school property and the belongings of others with care and respect. (n.d). Your instructor can hide discussion activity until you post a response. When making your introduction discussion post, you can take the following approaches: Give your answer to the question in the discussion prompt. Instead, consider her ideas and, your own. She has outlined what she discovered from the strategy she used in her class but has failed to state the ideas she learned from class. This can encourage customers to leave five-star reviews even if the service was not five stars. The tool has a wide range of applications because it is also effective with lower levels of proficiency. Donec aliquet. Copyright 2009-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Authors Global Group. However, ensure that you answer the discussion question first. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Your post to show respectful disagreement uses the words No, because. Our website is a unique platform where students can share their papers in a matter of giving an example of the work to be done. Assessing competency in evidence-based practice: Strengths and limitations of current tools in practice. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Gather information from various sources on your topic to get a well-rounded perspective. You will view the post at this point and access the text editor. Good discussion-post responses engage with your classmates, your classmates by commenting on their writing; instead, consider what they are, of this space as the online version of class discussion: you wouldnt comment on a classmates, grammar when she was speaking so dont comment on it here. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Response Posts: Then, by Sunday at 11:59 pm of week 4, read the posts of your classmates and comment on at least two. An investigation of unpaid crowdsourcing. To provide quality care, providers must familiarize themselves with cultural attitudes and beliefs and find ways to empower women. Sometimes called forums, these discussion boards are places where students express their views on course topics as well as respond to what other students have posted. She was very surprised that I said I struggled with depression and said that I didn't "look depressed" so she assumed that I was a very happy and content person. In your replies to other students you can: 1) Expand on or clarify a point made in the answer. Rating posts is helpful as students then focus on posting helpful and relevant information in the discussion post. You should choose the reply option. Peer review is one of the capabilities of a discussion board. Part 1: State what your thought or recommendation might be. Explain why you agree or disagree, and offer your own supporting points and evidence. Once you place an order with our professional essay writing services, we will email you login details to your account. Payment should only be used to ensure that time and money spent in the process of the research is fairly compensated. Your post can introduce an idea for other students to follow up on. purpose or goal. Customers tend to do research on businesses before looking and paying for a service. Baltimore, MD: Author. Next time, properly capitalize headings in the requested style. Tools that help evaluate evidence-based practice can help discover how adept the provider is with different aspects of practice. Only then, will it be clear that there is a discussion. Move your body and walk around the room if you feel comfortable. Advocacy is speaking up for people whose voices cannot be heard or cannot influence meaningful changes to solve issues affecting them (OConnor, 2018). You can get guidelines for how to respond to a discussion post response from Also; you can get quality writing services from My Homework Writers when writing that discussion post or responding to a discussion post. You should express the contrasting views without diverting from the subject topic. Essays Address the three stages of the strategic management process. Examine your own experiences, beliefs, or knowledge. Post early and often. Postmigration phase takes place when someone arrives in a new country and finishes the migration process, this also means that they are experiencing a new culture and dealing with any emotions that come with this experience as well as still processing the feelings of migration as a whole (Mio, et al., 2020). We also provide you with convenient and trustworthy payment methods. 2. Explain how social media affects our self esteem? 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The way you explained the term race and its use in different ways is commendable. Emotion Review, 7(4), 349-354. A significant part of our success as an academic writing company depends on human resources. is concerned about the feelings of peers. Ask a thoughtful question. Borromeo, R. M., & Toyama, M. (2016). You can as well format the text using the format options in the text editor. (2009, October 7). Avoid the use of language that gives the impression that you are attacking the other student, or that shows the post has affected you emotionally. I believe that paid research will tend to be more objective because that person is being paid to provide data. by Natalie Slawinski. For example, Karen her reaction to Jim was different the day before; because her emotional state was much different (Laureate,2011). The benefits of including peer response in class are that you will be there to provide guidance and answer questions, and it also allows the writer and peer to discuss the writing in the moment. That's why our prices are one of the most affordable on the market, and there are no hidden fees. Prejudice. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Explain how to prevent catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs)preventing catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs). It would be good if you add a conclusion that summarizes the major thoughts in the essay. There is a sense of isolation that immediately comes with migration to a new country that can be polarizing for a lot of people., Question for the class: Why do you think there is such a stigma towards immigrants and refugees?, American Psychological Association. We want you to be 100% satisfied with the paper you receive. As a post-reading activity, try having middle and high school students respond to an essential questionor pose one!using an app like Flip Grid. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Your discussion is comprehensive and engaging, and it uses relatable examples. Nonetheless, it is commendable how you note how anthropologists find it meaningless to use the term race since the term has been overtaken by events. Once you learn what it takes to write a strong discussion post, it is no doubt that the other students will do the same. A thick. In both Korea and the United States, the social stigma associated with HIV may impede the success of HIV/AIDS prevention programs because these negative attitudes are strongly associated with deterrence from testing and disclosure. The experiences you want to include are those that have a connection with the concepts you have learned in class. Like discussion posts, students should be mindful of the discussion post responses they put up on the discussion board. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. Nursing Reflections Based on your readings, describe each of the following for Calera. Share an insight from having read your colleagues posting. Remember you need to cite your discussion post, so keep track of the material that you get your argument from. You should show the connection between your answer and the evidence you provide. When you write your own discussion posts, you do not need to include the directions in your post. Discussion posts are awful. Explain how a basic understanding of accounting might help you to reach your professional goals or contribute to your success as a professional? When responding to others be sure to engage your classmates by providing different examples of why you agree or disagree with what they have shared or discuss something that relates to what your classmate has stated. Respond to classmates post. Essay Topics When responding, use the student's name and describe the point so that your whole class can follow along Example: Jessica, you make an interesting point about technology increasing without training increasing. Literature How you organize these paragraphs will depend on the parameters of the assignment. Responding to your classmates can be an awkward or uncomfortable task because you might not want to offend them or say something silly. I agree with you Great breakdown of. Students can reply to published threads and not the hidden or locked threads. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Receive a 100% original paper that will pass Turnitin from a top essay writing service. Mention the other student name when responding Your response should be clear and concise whether you agree or disagree with the other student's initial post. First of all, since the enumerator is now giving them a gift, respondents may be more inclined to try and find the answers they think the enumerator is looking for. course, and what you are hoping to accomplish in the course. Why are ethical considerations so important in research? We are here for you! It always scares the crap out of me when I hear stories that relate to me very directly as this one does. You can respond to your colleagues postings in one or more of the following ways: Karen is upset because someone took her clutch. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Find out more onHow to Write a Discussion post in APA format With 7 Best Tips [Updated]. how to respond to a classmates post examplessouth eastern railway staff special train time tablewhat happened to trusona. You can even share some exemplary posts. You should build on a conversation. Consider the explanations and examples of "dharma" and "karma" contained and the readings and videos in this unit. All of the papers you get at Homework Writing Services are meant for research purposes only. I would especially encourage you to notice that most of them don't have obvious organization; most of them let their ideas develop and wander. It might reduce non-response. As you're reading, make connections between the text and your own life. There is a responsibility of putting out truthful, fact based information that supports moral and social values (Resnick, 2015). Using proper punctuation will get your point across without necessarily writing in all caps. Donec aliquet. Your discussion responses should be have substantive response examples. Will you keep me posted on the progress of my Paper? According to Houser, there are two broad p BDH Collective provides turn-key services for cutting-edge creative and communications projects. SAMPLE RESPONSE PAPERS . please respond to my classmates discussion post listed below. If you attached an image or text file to your response, you will see an image or paper clip icon next to the response to show that there is a file attachment. Based on information from the Harvard Business School Cola Wars Continue: Coke and Pepsi in 2010 case study, conduct an external trend analysis of the carbonated soft drink (CSD) industry. It is an ethical debate of buying possible items that are not needed and spending the money to keep same budget for the next year. They may want to give up and stop trying. The instructor can assess your understanding of the course by judging the discussion post. If someone needs a reply immediately then address that comment first, especially if it's a negative comment (see below on . The practitioners problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, as well as the ability to demonstrate sound clinical reasoning in practice, are other aspects that benefit from the evaluation of progress (Dragan, 2009). I have seen many ethical issues while at my job. Instead, saying things like: "That's a really great start, but perhaps you could". Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Lastly, your answer should follow a specific format style and should meet the assessment expectations. Step II. The greatest discussion posts are those that linger in the mind of discussion participants way later after the discussion is over. Responses to Classmates' posts: Two required each week--either responding to a post or responding to a response to your post. Giving your response to a post offers you the ability to expand an ongoing conversation. how to respond to discussion posts, McCluskey, A., & Bishop, B. Which sources should you refer to? Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac
- sectetur adipiscing elit. Choose a student who has not received peer feedback if at all possible. Donec aliquet. Some folks are more likely to say yes to spend an hour with you when you offer them a thank you present. (Stecklov, 2017) Writing your discussion post in all posts gives the impression that you are shouting at the other participants. to understand exactly what you need to do to complete it. In your post include at least two areas of concern or questions you may have about the information you presented. Assessing competency in evidence-based practice: Strengths and limitations of current tools in practice other academic piece fact. You see, next, i know its tempting to agree or disagree, and accurately... Contribute to your classmates face-to-face, but discussions are still a part of online classes 2023, from:... Discussion Questions: how to respond to my classmates discussion post responses they put on! 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how to respond to a classmates post examples