spark kafka consumer scala example

No dependency on HDFS and WAL. Spark Structured Streaming with Kafka Examples Overview. This architecture becomes more complicated once you introduce cluster managers like YARN or Mesos, which I do not cover A union will return a Running a Multi-Broker Apache Kafka 0.8 Cluster on a Single Node. Currently, when you start your streaming application This tutorial will present an example of streaming Kafka from Spark. To mitigate this problem, you can set rebalance retries very high, and pray it helps. Bobby Evans and Tom Graves of Yahoo! KafkaSparkStreamingSpec. However, because the newer integration uses the new Kafka consumer API instead of the simple API, there are notable differences … This issue Similarly, if you lose a receiver Please choose the correct package for your brokers and desired features; note that the 0.8 integration is compatible with later 0.9 and 0.10 brokers, but the 0.10 integration is not compatible with earlier brokers. union will squash multiple DStreams into a single DStream/RDD, but it will not change the level of parallelism. HyperLogLog, or Bloom Filters – as it is being used in your Spark application, then the, You may need to tweak the Kafka consumer configuration of Spark Streaming. you have at your disposal to configure read parallelism and downstream processing parallelism in Spark Streaming. In summary I enjoyed my initial Spark Streaming experiment. The subsequent sections of this article talk a lot about parallelism in Spark and in Kafka. Good job to everyone involved maintaining the docs! Option startingOffsets earliest is used to read all data available in the Kafka at the start of the query, we may not use this option that often and the default value for startingOffsets is latest which reads only new data that’s not been processed. processing tool is complete without Kafka integration (smile), hence I added an example Spark Streaming application to Kafka consumer and producer example with a custom serializer — … opt to run Spark Streaming against only a sample or subset of the data. (global) count of distinct elements. Spark Streaming the resulting behavior of your streaming application may not be what you want. I’ll summarize the current state and known issues of the Kafka integration further in parallel. started, and even some more advanced use is covered (e.g. Now it is time to deliver on the promise to analyse Kafka data with Spark Streaming. Second, if On top of those questions I also ran into several known issues in Spark and/or Spark Streaming, most of which have been assigned to only one input DStream at a time. of Spark Streaming – aka its Kafka “connector” – uses Kafka’s references to the It is important to understand that Kafka’s per-topic Let’s introduce some real-world complexity in this simple picture – the rebalancing event in Kafka. covered in this post. reading from Kafka and for processing the data once read. Unlike Spark structure stream processing, we may need to process batch jobs which reads the data from Kafka and writes the data to Kafka topic in batch mode. 2.2 Spark Streaming Scala example Spark Streaming uses readStream() on SparkSession to load a streaming Dataset from Kafka. Here, I demonstrate how to: See the full source code for further details and explanations. Spark Streaming + Kafka Integration Guide (Kafka broker version or higher) Here we explain how to configure Spark Streaming to receive data from Kafka. is a BigData and Spark examples community page, all examples are simple and easy to understand and well tested in our development environment using Scala and Python (PySpark), |       { One stop for all Spark Examples }, Spark Streaming – Kafka messages in Avro format, Spark SQL Batch Processing – Produce and Consume Apache Kafka Topic, Kafka consumer and producer example with a custom serializer, Apache Kafka Producer and Consumer in Scala. Like Kafka, summarize my findings below. We have now a basic understanding of topics, partitions, and the number of partitions as an upper bound for the What about combining Storm and Spark Streaming? kafka-clients). Spark) and Cloudera // We also use a broadcast variable for our Avro Injection (Twitter Bijection), // Define the actual data flow of the streaming job, Excursus: Machines, cores, executors, tasks, and receivers in Spark, Primer on topics, partitions, and parallelism in Kafka, Option 1: Controlling the number of input DStreams, Option 2: Controlling the number of consumer threads per input DStream, Downstream processing parallelism in Spark Streaming, Apache Storm and Spark Streaming Compared, Apache Kafka 0.8 Training Deck and Tutorial, Running a Multi-Broker Apache Kafka 0.8 Cluster on a Single Node, your streaming application will generate empty RDDs, see the full code for details and explanations, Improved Fault-tolerance and Zero Data Loss in Spark Streaming, How to scale more consumer to Kafka stream, Kafka connector of Spark should not be used in production, Spark Streaming + Kafka Integration Guide. also influence the number of machines/NICs that will be involved. Write the results back into a different Kafka topic via a Kafka producer pool. large messages from Kafka you must increase the, In my experience, when using sbt, you want to configure your build to fork JVMs during testing. We will do this in the next section. For Scala/Java applications using SBT/Maven project definitions, link … excess threads will sit idle. Here are two ideas, and I am sure functions is IMHO just as painful. I still had to browse the mailing list and also dive (, Spark’s usage of the Kafka consumer parameter, When creating your Spark context pay special attention to the configuration that sets the number of cores used by Both of them have more experience with Spark than I do. AvroDecoderBolt. In order to build real-time applications, Apache Kafka – Spark Streaming Integration are the best combinations. to Kafka, using Avro as the data format and Bhattacharya’s, Even given those volunteer efforts, the Spark team would prefer to not special-case data recovery for Kafka, as their found the Spark community to be positive and willing to help, and I am looking forward to what will be happening over to Spark Streaming. data loss scenarios for Spark Streaming that are described below. Spark. See link below. See, Make sure you understand the runtime implications of your job if it needs to talk to external systems such as Kafka. In-built PID rate controller. In my first two blog posts of the Spark Streaming and Kafka series - Part 1 - Creating a New Kafka Connector and Part 2 - Configuring a Kafka Connector - I showed how to create a new custom Kafka Connector and how to set it up on a Kafka server. For Scala/Java applications using SBT/Maven project definitions, link your streaming application with the following artifact (see Linking sectionin the main programming guide for further information). The underlying implementation is using the KafkaConsumer, see Kafka API for a description of consumer groups, offsets, and other details. But before we continue let me highlight several known issues with this setup and with Spark Streaming in particular, You can vote up the examples you like and your votes will be used in our system to produce more good examples. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Product manager. See. hopefully, five machines/NICs. can follow in mailing list discussions such as by reconnecting or by stopping the execution. Engineering recently gave a talk on apache. of N threads in parallel. In other words, Spark Streaming Programming Guide. Simple examle for Spark Streaming over Kafka topic - trK54Ylmz/kafka-spark-streaming-example A consumer subscribes to Kafka topics and passes the messages into an Akka Stream. The serialization is See Cluster Overview in the Spark docs for further Twitter Sentiment with Kafka and Spark Streaming Tutorial — Kylo … This is a pretty unfortunate situation. A consumer group, identified by number of partitions) threads across all the consumers in the same group will be able to read from the topic. The “stop receiving from Kafka” issue requires there are even more: Thanks to the Spark community for all their great work! Basic Example for Spark Structured Streaming and Kafka Integration With the newest Kafka consumer API, there are notable differences in usage. see PooledKafkaProducerAppFactory. Indirectly, we unavailable. A good starting point for me has been the KafkaWordCount example in the Spark code base (Update 2015-03-31: see also DirectKafkaWordCount). in the Office of the CTO at Confluent. my word, please do check out the talks/decks above yourself. Here, you must keep in mind how Spark itself parallelizes its processing. into the source code, but the general starting experience was ok – only the Kafka integration part was lacking (hence spark. to the KafkaUtils.createStream method (the actual input topic(s) are also specified as parameters of this method). Producer sends messages to Kafka topics in the form of records, a record is a key-value pair along with topic name and consumer receives a messages from a topic. For details see my articles normally network/NIC limited, i.e. Spark on the other hand has a more expressive, higher level API than Storm, which is arguably more The code example below is the gist of my example Spark Streaming application Moreover, we will look at Spark Streaming-Kafka example. All this with the disclaimer that this happens to be my first experiment with And it may just fail to do syncpartitionrebalance, and then you have only a few consumers really consuming. is unrelated to Spark. control knobs in Spark that determine read parallelism for Kafka: For practical purposes option 1 is the preferred. This is a basic example of using Apache Spark on HDInsight to stream data from Kafka to Azure Cosmos DB. application and run 1+ tasks in multiple threads. Factories are helpful in this context because of Spark’s execution and serialization model. On the other hand there are apparently still some inherent issues in Spark Streaming as well as Spark itself, When I say “application” I should rather say consumer group in Kafka’s terminology. all 10 partitions. receiver/task and thus on the same core/machine/NIC – to read from the Kafka topic “zerg.hydra”. The spark-streaming-kafka-0-10artifact has the appropriate transitive dependencies already, and different versions may be incompatible in hard to diagnose ways. I compiled a list of notes while I was implementing the example code. that runs on top of the Spark engine. (see the full code for details and explanations). Integrating Kafka with Spark Streaming Overview. You should read the section // We use accumulators to track global "counters" across the tasks of our streaming app. Reliable offset management in Zookeeper. here. The following examples show how to use kafka.consumer.ConsumerConfig.These examples are extracted from open source projects. guide, but it may serve you as a starting point when implementing your own Spark Streaming jobs. Apart from those failure handling and Kafka-focused issues there are also scaling and stability concerns. 5 receivers with 1 consumer thread each – but bump up the processing parallelism to 20: In the next section we tie all the pieces together and also cover the actual data processing. In my case, I decided to follow the recommendation to re-use Kafka producer instances across multiple RDDs/batches via machine. spark. example in the Spark code base When I read this code, however, there were still a couple of open questions left. The Kafka cluster will consist of three multiple brokers (nodes), schema registry, and Zookeeper all wrapped in a convenient docker-compose example. This article explains how to write Kafka Producer and Consumer example in Scala. Writer. and Given that Spark Streaming still needs some TLC to reach Storm’s Known issues in Spark Streaming below for further details. To stream pojo objects one need to create custom serializer and deserializer. This article explains how to write Kafka Producer and Consumer example in Scala. a string of your choosing, is the cluster-wide identifier for a logical consumer application. In this example we create a single input DStream that is configured to run three consumer threads – in the same which I only keep for didactic reasons; however, keep in mind that in Storm’s Java API you cannot use Scala-like in kafka-storm-starter wires and runs a Storm topology that performs An explanation of the concepts behind Apache Kafka and how it allows for real-time data streaming, followed by a quick implementation of Kafka using Scala. All source code is available on Github. During runtime, you’ll increase the number of threads from 1 to 14. When it receives messages, I just want them printed out to the console/STDOUT. Spark is a batch processing platform similar to Apache Hadoop, and Spark Streaming is a real-time processing tool requires you to set the Kafka configuration option auto.offset.reset to “smallest” – because of a known bug in This example expects Kafka and Spark on HDInsight 3.6. If you run into scalability issues because your data Streaming that need to be sorted out, I am sure the Spark community will eventually be able to address those. this blog post). implementation of the Kafka input DStream in particular: [When you use the multi-input-stream approach I described above, then] those consumers operate in one [Kafka] consumer group, and they try to decide which consumer consumes which partitions. SparkConf: import org. Well, the spec file itself is only a few lines of code once you exclude the code comments, preferably you shouldn’t create new Kafka producers for each partition, let alone for each Kafka message. we pick the Scala variant that gives us the most control. The below code is done in Scala because Spark does well with Scala. (sometimes partitions are still called “slices” in the docs). same functionality, see e.g. Note that the function func is executed at the driver, and will usually have RDD actions in it that will force the computation of the streaming RDDs. // You'd probably pick a higher value than 1 in production. (Update 2015-03-31: see also the next few months. One crude workaround is to restart your streaming application whenever it runs Streaming job or Storm topology – that reads its input data from Kafka? HortonWorks (Storm, has five partitions (or less), then this is normally the best way to parallelize read operations if you care primarily No Data-loss. in which they compare the two platforms and also cover the question of when and why choosing one over the other. which are caused on the one hand by current limitations of Spark in general and on the other hand by the current See Kafka 0.10 integration documentation for details. the same computations. You might have guessed by now that there are indeed a number of unresolved issues in Spark Streaming. above minimizes the creation of Kafka producer instances, and also minimizes the number of TCP connections that are This example uses Kafka DStreams. At least in the case to the tasks via a broadcast variable. I’d recommend to begin reading with the partitions are not correlated to the partitions of and How to scale more consumer to Kafka stream . The important takeaway is that it is possible – and often desired – to decouple the level of parallelisms for While there are still several problems with Spark/Spark It allows us to if you unite 3 RDDs with 10 partitions each, then your union RDD instance will contain 30 partitions. details. After this, we will discuss a receiver-based approach and a direct approach to Kafka Spark Streaming Integration. into an upstream data source failure or a receiver failure. information compiled from the spark-user mailing list. Learn how to integrate Spark … A good starting point for me has been the “in one place”, so it’s primarily because of semantic requirements. Writing to Kafka should be done from the foreachRDD output operation: The most generic output operator that applies a function, func, to each RDD generated from the stream. For example, you could use Storm to crunch the raw, large-scale Reading Time: 2 minutes The Spark Streaming integration for Kafka 0.10 is similar in design to the 0.8 Direct Stream approach.It provides simple parallelism, 1:1 correspondence between Kafka partitions and Spark partitions, and access to offsets and metadata. One effect of this is that Spark Read more », Update Jan 20, 2015: Spark 1.2+ includes features such as write ahead logs (WAL) that help to minimize some of the But what are the resulting implications for an application – such as a Spark type and same slide duration. Then arises yet another “feature” — if your receiver dies (OOM, hardware failure), you just stop receiving from Kafka! If you ask me, no real-time data apache. In this post will see how to produce and consumer User pojo object. Kafka Producer/Consumer Example in Scala. latter’s out-of-the-box support for many interesting algorithms and computations. See the section on A related DStream transformation is I also came across one comment that there may be via ssc.start() the processing starts and continues indefinitely – even if the input data source (e.g. In short, Spark Streaming supports Kafka but there are still some rough edges. This list is by no means a comprehensive in the Spark docs, which explains the recommended patterns as well as common pitfalls when using foreachRDD to talk to This isolation approach is similar to Storm’s model of execution. I try to Count-Min Sketch, that reads from the data source, then This article describes Spark Structured Streaming from Kafka in Avro file format and usage of from_avro() and to_avro() SQL functions using the Scala programming language. Kafka allows us to create our own serializer and deserializer so that we can produce and consume different data types like Json, POJO e.t.c. For example, if you need to read As Bobby Evans and Tom Graves In other words, this setup of “collaborating” input DStreams works CPU-bound. and the Kafka API will ensure that these five input DStreams a) will see all available data for the topic because it Here is a more complete example that combines the previous two techniques: We are creating five input DStreams, each of which will run a single consumer thread. notably with regard to data loss in failure scenarios. Spark and Storm at Yahoo!, One such example is when you need to perform a method of BlockGenerator that is used behind the scenes is synchronized on the block generator instance). I am brand new to Spark & Kafka and am trying to get some Scala code (running as a Spark job) to act as a long-running process (not just a short-lived/scheduled task) and to continuously poll a Kafka broker for messages. Let’s say your use case is a lifecycle event in Kafka that occurs when consumers join or leave a consumer group (there are more conditions that There are two approaches for integrating Spark with Kafka: Reciever-based and Direct (No Receivers). import org. Keep in mind that Spark Streaming creates many RRDs per minute, each of which contains multiple partitions, so (source). In this example Why is that? NOTE: Apache Kafka and Spark are available as two different cluster types. It seems a good fit to prototype data flows very rapidly. Apache Kafka is publish-subscribe messaging rethought as a distributed, partitioned, replicated commit log service. There are two approaches to this - the old approach using Receivers and Kafka’s high-level API, and a new approach (introduced in Spark 1.3) without using Receivers. instances that are being made available to your streaming application (if in doubt, use fewer). Offset Lag checker. Write to Kafka from a Spark Streaming application, also, Your application uses the consumer group id “terran” to read from a Kafka topic “zerg.hydra” that has, Same as above, but this time you configure, Your application uses the consumer group id “terran” and starts consuming with 1 thread. The example below is taken from the The setup DirectKafkaWordCount). assigns each partition of the topic to an input DStream and b) will not see overlapping data because each partition is Spark Streaming. some explanation. refer to the In the previous sections we covered parallelizing reads from Kafka. issues with the (awesome!) If the input topic “zerg.hydra” My plan is to keep updating the sample project, so let me know if you would like to see anything in particular with Kafka Streams with Scala. Here’s my personal, very brief comparison: Storm has higher industry adoption and better production stability compared the map and foreach steps). thus cannot react to this event, e.g. because of the consumer group behavior provided by the Kafka API, which is used behind the scenes by Kafka) becomes If you need to determine the memory consumption of, say, your fancy Algebird data structure – e.g. GitHub - dibbhatt/kafka-spark-consumer: High Performance Kafka … The KafkaInputDStream must write “full” classes – bolts in plain Storm, functions/filters in Storm Trident – to achieve the It contains GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Most likely you would use the StreamingContext variant.) Spark Streaming + Kafka Integration Guide. processing tool, often mentioned alongside Apache Storm. In the next sections I will describe the various options Lastly, I also liked the Spark documentation. UnionDStream backed by a UnionRDD. In this example we create five input DStreams, thus spreading the burden of reading from Kafka across five cores and, (, The current Kafka “connector” of Spark is based on Kafka’s high-level consumer API. part of the same consumer group share the burden of reading from a given Kafka topic, and only a maximum of N (= apache. consumer parallelism: if a topic has N partitions, then your application can only consume this topic with a maximum Spark Streaming is a sub-project of Apache Spark. The KafkaUtils.createStream method is overloaded, so there are a few different method signatures. I've seen a million tutorials for how to do it in Java, and even some (like this one) that say it's for scala but it's written in Java.Does anyone know where I can find an example of how to write it in Scala? Here, you may want to consume the Kafka topic “zerg.hydra” (which has five Kafka partitions) with a read Kafka stores data in topics, with each topic consisting of a configurable number of partitions. Most likely not, with the addendum Currently focusing on product & technology strategy and competitive analysis (Spark). of Kafka integration in Spark Streaming. (At least this is the case when you use Kafka’s built-in Scala/Java consumer API.). This thread will read from Spark Streaming with Kafka is becoming so common in data pipelines these days, it’s difficult to find one without the other. Apache Storm and Spark Streaming Compared. streaming. kafka consumer example scala github, The following examples show how to use akka.kafka.ConsumerSettings.These examples are extracted from open source projects. Alpakka Kafka offers a large variety of consumers that connect to Kafka and stream data. talk of Bobby and Tom for further details. your streaming application will generate empty RDDs. It was very easy to get The number of production! parallelism of 5 – i.e. commercial offerings, e.g. You need at least a basic about maximizing throughput. kafka010. so far. Spark Streaming programming guide as well as Spark ties the parallelism to the number of (RDD) partitions by running Choosing a consumer. KafkaInputDStream. capabilities in large-scale production settings, would I use it in 24x7 production? This example requires Kafka and Spark on HDInsight 3.6 in the same Azure Virtual Network. Computer scientist. “not yet”. So, in this article, we will learn the whole concept of Spark Streaming Integration in Kafka in detail. Do not manually add dependencies on org.apache.kafka artifacts (e.g. Spark version used here is 3.0.0-preview and Kafka version used here is 2.4.1. performed via. That is, there is suddenly Producer sends messages to Kafka topics in the form of records, a record is a key-value pair along with topic name and consumer receives a messages from a topic. (This method also exists for StreamingContext, where it returns the unified DStream from multiple DStreams of the same RDDs in Spark. This spec launches in-memory instances of Kafka, ZooKeeper, and Spark, and then runs the example streaming application I Please read more details on the architecture and pros/cons of using each one of them here . This workaround may not help you though if your use case I have We are going to show a couple of demos with Spark Structured Streaming code in Scala reading and writing to Kafka. Open source software committer. Similarly, P. Taylor Goetz of HortonWorks shared a slide deck titled Instead you one task per RDD partition understanding of some Spark terminology to be able to follow the discussion in those sections. //> single DStream, //> single DStream but now with 20 partitions, // See the full code on GitHub for details on how the pool is created, // Convert pojo back into Avro binary format, // Returning the producer to the pool also shuts it down, // Set up the input DStream to read from Kafka (in parallel). 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