teaching portfolio examples

This portfolio serves as a record of For me, teaching is a calling. Ross has taught in some of the most challenging secondary schools in London. This website uses the Edufolios platform to present evidence against the AITSL Graduate Standards and showcase my personal philosophy of teaching, reflections on teaching and learning and experiences as I move forward onto my teaching … If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The home page starts with a photo of José working at his school. For each course, I identify the concepts and procedures that I want each student to master. While the home page is all about Ross’s achievements — and they are impressive — the site also gives practical advice and help for teachers. Teaching activities outside the classroom, such as advising undergraduate students, supervising students engaged in undergraduate research, and otherwise mentoring students also are important to include. What I like. Most portfolios are intended to introduce the teacher, but Larry needs no introduction. That’s it! What I like. For example, including only syllabi will not provide your audience with an idea of how you typically structure class time. Ben makes it clear right from the start that he values open-mindedness in education. He clearly expresses his trepidation in his first college teaching job, and how much it taught him about the diversity of student goals and himself. I know a CV is no longer considered enough for teaching job applications because it just covers the facts, and I need a platform for my teaching philosophy. Emily Sharpe's Teaching ePortfolio Kelly Tam's Teaching Portfolio. If you haven’t got a clue about design, ask for help from a friend or colleague who does. It can be a PDF file that you send to prospective employers, or it can be a hard copy. 9 Best Online Form Builders That Make Teachers’ Life Easier, Best 13 Zoom Math Games: Compare and Choose, How to Write an Elementary Teacher Resume — 7 Tips, 5 Common Mistakes and 7 Free Elementary Teacher Resume Templates, 22 Top Online Quiz Makers — Best Ideas For Teaching, Marketing and Business. Organize your portfolio 5. Dr. Brown’s aim is to make life better for students who are getting used to living on campus. Students are expected to demonstrate conceptual mastery, not just to recognize or recall…. Sara, I’ve added some additional information about portfolios in PDF format to the article. It gives the impression that he’s focused on his work and not posing for the portfolio. The founder and director of the Learning Revolution Project, Steve Hargadon also chairs or co-chairs several pioneering world-wide virtual events for teachers. HOME. What I like. It’s like a puzzle that draws you in. The portfolio is always up to date with trending topics in education. Specifically, in the last six semesters I have taught the following courses (numbers of students in parentheses): The participants in the seminar obtain valuable experience as discussion group leaders in certain sections of the freshman course X. -John F. Kennedy 2. You don’t want to make it difficult for people to get the information about you they need. Pick up a copy of the CV & COVER LETTER guide from the CDC. If you’re still hesitant to design your own teaching portfolio, here’s a template to get you started. This typically includes a variety of evidence that you’ve gathered throughout your career that backs up your teaching philosophy. Utilizing technology resources to enhance lessons. They all have the student subscription and have been working hard to get their graduate teacher portfolio sorted. Professional Knowledge, Know the Content and How to Teach It; Graduate Standard 3. Showing good knowledge of website formatting, she doesn’t just have a wall of text, but gives introductory points about her skills and certifications, allowing visitors to read more if they’re interested. Here are five examples, each with a different style of teaching portfolio. In this portfolio, I am presenting an overview of my student teaching experience which shows my own understanding of teaching as well as a compilation that will help me define my teaching philosophies and styles. One advantage of a PDF copy is that you can make sure it’s clean and error-free, and can’t be tampered with by an outside agent. He invites teachers and others to join his conversations on several social media platforms. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ben Pettis informs visitors to his website that it is a work in progress. Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning, Brown University. This year I have advised 33 certified majors in my department and, for the advisory program in the SALC, about 12 students who are not yet certified. The introduction is written in third person, which gives the impression of an endorsement. Y. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. For each course, I identify the concepts and procedures that I want each student to master. Larry Ferlazzo is a high school teacher who specializes in English and social studies. My department does not make systematic use of peer evaluations, but my colleagues think highly of my contributions in team-taught courses and my occasional guest lectures. Students are expected to demonstrate conceptual mastery, not just to recognize or recall…. I regularly review my teaching practices and experiment with new ideas. Kaplan, Matthew. Teaching portfolio: describes and documents multiple aspects of your teaching ability. If they are from prominent people, so much the better. All you need to do is just copy and paste this code in an HTML editor: . What I like. This portfolio is not in a format you might expect. The teaching portfolio: a handbook for faculty, teaching assistants, and teaching fellows. I try to follow the highlights of the literature on those aspects of university education that especially interest me. In my faculty and professional roles, I consider mentoring, supervising and t… WORK EXPERIENCE. She is also a post-graduate in English for Speakers of Other Languages. Lisa clearly states her passions in education, which include social media for students, being a connected educator, and learning with mobile devices. We suggest the following steps to guide your process of preparing a thoughtful teaching portfolio: 1. Steve’s tagline is “The Learning Revolution Has Begun.” This immediately tells the visitor that what they will find in this portfolio will be innovative. Example: Implemented an interactive SmartBoard presentation that allowed students to manipulate virtual pattern blocks to determine angle measures using known angle measures of blocks. He explains how technology can support student-centered learning and improve learning outcomes. It discusses how to create a WINNING teaching portfolio! The instructional technology page tells the visitor about your theory and practice of development and design, along with the management, utilization and evaluation of the resources and processes you use for teaching. Use a free platform such as Weebly, PortfolioGen or Edupholio. She found school boring and wanted to do something to change it for others, so she became a public school educator. Angela’s tagline, “The Cornerstone for Teachers,” makes it clear she offers practical support and resources. It’s like a puzzle that draws you in. She created this blog to make it easier for other teachers to take advantage of some of the best devices out there to upgrade their classrooms without having to do the research themselves. Hello Everyone! If you prefer a hard copy, it needs to look professional with a hard cover, good graphics, and easy-to-read, well-formatted pages. Collect teaching materials as you gain experience 2. How you view education defines your work ethic and motivation. The image below is the first page of my OneNote Teaching Portfolio, which is organized into subfolders that represent the OCT SOPs. Emily, I have just finished my degree and would like to apply for a teacher’s assistant position to gain some insight into classroom teaching before I start my Master’s Program. Ross McGill is the top influencer of education in the United Kingdom. He is the head of Digital Learning and Innovation at the Stamford American International School. Just one click will get you where you want to go. If you are attending an interview in person, a hard copy has an advantage, because you can use it to support whatever information you give. She is a major influencer in education, according to the Academy of Education, Arts and Sciences. The website is easy to navigate, and the hot topics are easy to see. The object is to find ways to teach more effectively with available resources. What I like. She has one of the top 15 Educational Leadership Blogs. You … About a third of the students in the seminar mentioned above are from ethnic minorities, and are active in programs serving other students belonging to those groups. What I like. The personal touch at the end includes a little information about her family life, children and pets. A few genuine examples of planning materials are essential. I like the home page with the photo of Gretchen in her classroom. Within 2-3 days of your Teaching Portfolio being received, you will receive a confirmation email from “Organisational Change – ECM” confirming receipt. A professor at the University of Northern Colorado, Marc C. Santos’s main interests include research on rhetoric, ethics, critical and post-critical thinking, sophistry, new media, and gaming. The contact page or contact information should be prominently placed and easy to find. She is a Google-Certified teacher and speaks around the world on the use of technology in the classroom. Recent constraints on travel have prevented me from attending as many conferences on teaching in my field as I would have liked, but I have in fact attended the following since I came to WSU: I have received special funding with WSU for several of the projects mentioned above, namely: I have also received the following grants from the Lilly Endowment, the Exxon Foundation, and FIPSE: A program officer at FIPSE has encouraged me to submit a proposal for a sequel to the FIPSE grant just mentioned, and I plan to do so in the next round. * A. For example it may include a short narrative about the summer camp which they went on and for which they have included the certificate in their passport section. This is a good example of an elementary teacher’s portfolio. But take note: the tone is humble, and he expresses happiness at helping others while he continues to learn. The website also showcases other educators in a variety of fields, which is a good move, because it means visitors can regularly come back to get the latest updates in their field. A PDF document also retains formatting, so you can be sure the potential employer is seeing all your carefully chosen fonts and well-placed photographs or graphics. Reflect on your teaching 3. Appearance is important. Examples of teaching portfolios created by University of Virginia faculty and teaching assistants in different disciplines. He designs environments for students to have meaningful learning experiences, and has named this method postpedagogy. The author of nine books, he is currently working on a practical classroom book for science, social studies and math teachers. It is engagingly written, and actually makes you want to visit again to see how he is doing. It doesn’t need to be a thesis, but a short paragraph should summarize what you believe is the main purpose of education and the best methods for achieving it. He is a leader in school technology and speaks all over the country on innovative education. His accomplishments are presented on the home page with easy access to his articles, media appearances and speeches. Then I develop a sequence of instructional activities intended to lead to that mastery. Cynthia Tobar is an archivist and community oral historian, and one of her main research interests is Communication of Memory in Archives, Libraries and Museums. Her portfolio blog is her main means of communicating her ideas. Gretchen C. Seibel is a third- and fourth-grade teacher who genuinely enjoys elementary school teaching. In this portfolio, the teacher showcases his ideas by posting a photograph that makes you think. I am an elementary school teacher and the lucky mom of two little kids. Gregory Tait has innovative views, and when you open his digital portfolio, you’ll see a short segment in which he talks about his views and  supports his goals. See the “Streamlined packet” blog. At least three letters of recommendation tell visitors to your website what others think about your work. I believe in the power of modern technologies and try to find new and exciting ways to use them for teaching children. It has a lot of good information, and offers those ideas to teachers. Professional Teaching Standards Portfolio You are on page 1 /8. In this portfolio, I hope you will find everything you want to know about my philosophy and views of education, my teaching style, and many aspects of the learning I have completed so far. He has won many awards, and is a co-founder of Did You Know (Shift Happens) video series. Whether your portfolio is also an e-commerce site, a portal to book you for consultations, or simply a CV for potential employers, there are five items it must have: Your digital portfolio needs to have certain features to give easy access to your information: It’s crucial to choose the best place to build your portfolio. I have no way of measuring how much I contribute to the professional welfare of the students who earn a baccalaureate in our department. He provides examples that show how interesting his methods are for students, because he wants learning to originate from the student, not the teacher. What I like. Teaching Portfolio. The National Professional Standards for Teachers are a public statement of what constitutes teacher quality. This portfolio is straightforward and easy to navigate. You will need to consider if you can afford a personal website, or if you have access to a university website. This is a good model for teachers who are consultants, because it showcases his abilities and accomplishments while making his advice and help available to other institutions. Lisa finds and shares innovative ways for students to get real-world experience and success. Some student examples include: "An example of an excellent ePortfolio" Youtube. The About page is written in the third person, so at least on the surface, it doesn’t seem like he’s touting his own accomplishments. Teaching portfolios should include a teaching philosophy​ and a set of artifacts that provide evidence for your claims. This is a very good touch for any teacher portfolio. I often follow up on publications cited in these journals. 3rd edition. Professional Teaching Portfolio This Professional Portfolio will demonstrate my level of teaching competence as articulated in the: National Professional Standards For Teachers - Graduate. A teaching portfolio is a step toward a more open, professional view of teaching and reflects the practice as an academic activity. Any website where audio is important needs to be very user friendly. What I like. From his 5-minute lesson plan to the free homework worksheets, as well as his paid services, @TeacherToolKit serves as Ross McGill’s teacher portfolio and online business providing educational material with the tagline Classroom Ideas, Teacher Training & School Resources. Pre-Service Teacher Examples These are Edufolios users that are student teachers. His articles, TV appearances and radio show are famous. See a good example of a streamlined packet →. Within each SOP, I included great examples from my portfolio and even my digital collection. I would be truly honored if the authors of these portfolios placed this badge on their websites. Professional Knowledge, Know Students and How They Learn; Graduate Standard 2. They may also be useful for other teachers. What I like. What I like. I scan every issue of the Journal of Higher Education and, as an individual member of the American Association for Higher Education, I regularly receive and examine its Bulletin and the magazine Change which it publishes. Since there is no clickable menu in a hard copy, a table of contents is essential, so the employer can go to any section at a glance. He provides examples that show how interesting his methods are for students, because he wants learning to originate from the student, not the teacher. A teaching portfolio is a comprehensive physical or digital set of beliefs, curriculum materials, and outside evaluations that exemplify an instructor’s growth and experience. I like the way Dr. Brown approaches teaching as a privilege. Larry is also a guest professor at the University of California at Davis. He served in the Marine Corps, and holds three Master’s Degrees. Scott McLeod is an Associate Professor of Educational Leadership at the University Colorado Denver. In this portfolio, the teacher showcases his ideas by posting a photograph that makes you think. I was able to create the entire portfolio … Creating a teacher portfolio will allow to you to display your teaching ability and qualifications to administrations and potential employers in a professional manner. Her homepage is updated practically every second, so visitors will always find something new and relevant. Alli Lamond's Teaching Portfolio ; Graduate Standard 1. What I like. What I like. The page on extracurricular activities speaks for itself; this is where you may add your golf score or passion for skiing. Your degrees, awards and certificates can be listed in a timeline. It’s easy to navigate, and projects a warm, friendly atmosphere. In the fall of 1993, my two classes rated higher than any others in the department; but they were also the smallest classes. Welcome Through my numerous experiences in the classroom, I have developed a to my philosophy incorporating education andportfolio! The vibe is friendly and welcoming, and it makes the visitor want to look further into this teacher’s accomplishments. I believe you are something of an expert on the subject. It’s not only about English language learners, but about every aspect of classroom management and teaching. This portfolio is not in a format you might expect. Select materials to include in your portfolio 4. If you’re this established in the education field, you don’t need a portfolio to present yourself to potential employers. What I like. It is basically writing a value statement on your teaching styles and techniques, that you are capable in teaching and giving the right information to your students and also giving them extra knowledge in order to widen their learning in the class. 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